Many Christians today behave much like the Pharisees of Jesus' day. They rather hold onto the traditions of men than accept the plain truth that is before them. No matter how many great miracles Jesus performed and no matter how many awesome teachings he gave, a certain number of the Jews continued to reject him.
Today I tell you that Christianity as you know it is false. There are a great number of errors being taught and accepted even without biblical support. One of the biggest corruptions is that of the Trinity. No one in the Bible ever speaks of the trinity, no one teaches a trinity, and certainly none of the Jews believed in a Trinity. Yet this doctrine is taught in almost every Christian religion and denomination today.
I can give evidence after evidence, Scripture after Scripture, but people will not hear and will not see what is plainly before them. They, like the Pharisees, would rather hang onto their traditions than admit that they are wrong.
This is not just an issue with pride or being stubborn. Religion is a deep and emotional topic. For Trinitarians to even question the Trinity is like questioning their whole faith. It is questioning the very foundation of what they believe. This is a scary place to be; To think that for so many years you were wrong, or even worse, teaching others in error. To think that your teachers, your pastor, your parents were wrong is enough to put a knot in your stomach. But we owe it to ourselves, our loved ones, and more importantly to God to get this right. We all want to worship in truth.
I understand the fear and fear is a powerful thing. But it is not wrong to question these things. In fact the Bible encourages you to test all things. Take a new look at the Scriptures, with a new mind and ask God for guidance and wisdom. When I searched for truth I found it. The answers are there.
The important thing to realize is that you don't have to abandon your faith, you just have to grow in it. Jesus is our redeemer and we can trust our lives with him. But we must see the distinction between Jesus and God or else we worship in error. God is one and has no equal. Jesus glorified God, his Father, in all things and likewise we should too.
I trust in one God, who is the Father. I trust in one Lord, my Savior, Jesus Christ. We are joined by the Holy Spirit.
I am a Christian.

I discussed things with you, and you didn't answer me here.
This is something important that I asked you but got no answer to. Explain or present something, or more than one thing, on what you believe that answers all the important questions. Is there a church you belong to, and if so, what are its beliefs?
I belong to the body of Christ as in Romans 12:5. Our beliefs are found in the Bible. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of the Living God. I believe 1 Corinthians 15 answers many of the important questions.
I didn't answer previously because you didn't seem willing to listen. Your response was made of up false ideas and was getting too long to properly address them. I tried pulling it back on track but you criticized me for that. I'm willing to talk but please try to be understanding.
But anyone who professes to be a Christian can say their beliefs are found in the Bible. Where can one find some sort of statement of faith about what you believe? Is there any church that reflects your views?
And on your second paragraph, I'm amazed at what you write. You can't present a systematic theology, but just have one point - your claim that Jesus isn't God. People who are devout Christians know that your claim isn't some minor point but instead changes everything, but you don't answer for and present a complete theology. You also didn't explain how it would be just for another man to die for your sins.
I am trying to cover as many questions and answers that I can as time and understanding allows. I understand that it seems as if this idea would change everything but to me it makes everything just make more sense. I am not creating a new idea but presenting what has existed from the beginning. I believe you would have a very hard time convincing the Bible writers that God was a Trinity.
I am really not associated with any single group at this time but consider many as brothers. You would probably find my views align most closely with the Biblical Unitarians though I may take a slightly different approach on some things.
I believe that whatever God wills is okay with me. God chose Jesus to atone for my sins and I accept that. I don't see why we can so easily accept that sin and death came to all through one man, but grace and life cannot come through another. This to me is a simple and plain teaching in the Bible. I believe that Jesus is the Son of God, but that does not make him God anymore than it makes Adam God. I understand that Jesus is begotten but he is still begotten in the flesh and is not equal to the Father. Jesus, through his perfect obedience, gave himself as the perfect sacrifice for our sins. God raised him from the dead and exalted him and gave him a name above all names. I believe that many believe that he is God because of this exalted position but this position was given to him because it pleased God to do so.
I love the story of Joseph and Pharaoh because I think it demonstrates so well the story of Jesus. Joseph was rejected by his own and went through many troubles, but through his perfect faith he was rewarded and exalted above all Egypt. He was given power and authority over everything in Egypt and was equal to Pharaoh in everything but the throne.
It does change everything, though. It's not just a detail to Christians.
It's troubling that you present just one part of what you believe over and over - just your rejection of His deity.
So as a starting point, how much do you agree with this?
Find something from the internet that describes what you believe.
I believe, and so do a great many other Christians, that there is a great amount evidence in the Bible that supports Him being God. And what you write about why it makes sense for Jesus to atone for your sins doesn't add up, but I don't think, given your views on Him and your not seeing how what you believe changes everything, that you would see that.
Also, what is your Christian testimony?
I am a Christian. Just as Ken Ham talks about Genesis over and over again, this is what I have been called to speak on. I could speak on other topics but if Christians don't understand the nature of God then what good is the rest. Different ministries focus on topics and together we teach and guide the body. If you have a specific question that you would like my take on, I could do my best to answer it.
I told you that I most closely agree with the Biblical Unitarians. You can look here:
What I write about comes from the Bible. I believe that most Christians are afraid to even question this topic and therefore accept it blindly. I don't believe there is any evidence that supports the idea. I believe there are some tricky verses but the majority of Scripture cannot be ignored and it is clear.
As I said above, how can you accept that sin and death came to all through one man, but grace and life can't come through another as the Bible teaches?
As the Son of God, Jesus can have a divine nature, but that doesn't make him God. God is the Father and He is God alone. To make him equal to God when the Bible is so clear of the distinct beings of God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ is to make two Gods.
The Trinity is an ancient religious concept that can be found throughout many pagan civilizations, most likely dating back to Nimrod. It has no place in Christianity.
I know that it's hard to read someones tone over the internet but I assure you that I am not angry or trying to start a debate. I am sincerely reaching out in concern and speaking in passion. I won't add my testimony here but I will consider doing it at a later time.