The power of decree #3

in #christianity7 years ago (edited)

Bible Reading : Job22:21-30
In today's meditation, I shall be examining the things a prayer of decree can accomplish for us. According to Job22:28, the light of God will shine on your way. That means that you will not stumble in darkness. It also means that you will not live in timidity and in uncertainty, but you will have clarity of vision, purpose and direction in life. Verse 29 says, while others may be experiencing a downward trend in their lives, career, academics or business, there will be a lifting up for you. Shout Hallelujah. Finally prayer of decree will deliver from trouble, calamity, failure, poverty, disappointments etc( verse30). Begin today to issue decrees in your prayers and you see God move in a new and higher dimensions in your life in response to your decrees. Good Day.