God's word is a hammer capable and strong enough to break every hardship or obstruction to your manifestation. Every word attitude will take you to a winning altitude. God's word must become our behavior, if it must become our experience. God's word is a hammer which breaks all obstacles into pieces - no obstacle can stands God's word. However God's word is not powerful in your life until it has become your attitude - until you have behaved it. It is not the word you quote, but the one you do that has the power to break obstacles in your life. Scripture in James 1:22-23, says
"But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. For if any be a hearer of the word, and not a doer he is like unto a man beholding his natural face in a glass...".
Gods power is in God's word, and that power comes to work at the point of doing it. God's power comes to you at a consistent word behavior. In Jeremiah 23:29, God says
"is not my word like a fire? saith the Lord, and like hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?".
Whatever looks like rock in your life, God's word is able to shatter them into pieces. The worlds - both the spiritual and physical were made by God's word, Hebrew 11:3. Hence, through God's word, you can control both your spiritual and physical worlds. Even Satan himself was created by God word, Job 26:13. The word of God has ability to deliver you from everything standing on your way to enjoying your life, Psalms 107:20. Many Christians joke with God's word, that is why it is not working in their lives. You need to cultivate a word attitude to gain altitude by the word.
What happens to you or not is determined by the law of attitude. The Bible is not a story book, but a book of law that contains ability to change lives. In Psmalm 19:7, we are told,
"The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul...".
Attitude is both a lifter and a sinker - your attitude either lifts you or sinks you. Whether the barriers against you will break or become stronger is determined by your attitude. For instance, Paul and Silas were cast into prison, but their attitude in prison was different, instead of being sad and discouraged, rather they were joyfully unto the Lord, for being worthy to suffer in his name and that led to praise, I mean they were praising him in chains on their hands and legs, and the power of God was experience in that place mightily. Gehazi on the other hand failed in his ministry because he had the wrong attitude, that is why he ended up with leprosy, 2 Kings 20:27. What made them have different outcome? Attitude! It is your attitude that determines whether or not you'll be set free from any prison experience you may be passing through.
The manifestation of God's kingdom to you is governed by your attitude; In the world of the spirit, attitude determines your winning. There is a word behavior in any trial that compels your testimony. God does not promise us a life free from challenges. That is why he says in Psalm 23:4,
"Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for thou art with me...".
Therefore if you keep and maintain a right attitude you will enjoy dominion through. A right attitude will break any obstacle any day. For instance, God has positioned himself to bless some people, but he is only waiting for them to drop their pride of not wanting to do small things - some people only need to drop their pride for their challenges to drop off them. If you are fasting and praying without living the right attitude, you are only in a hunger strike. You need to add a biblical behavior for your fasting to work. You can't bribe God with anything, Some try to bribe him with songs outside right attitude; And God says that song are noise to him. Soul tried to bribe him with sacrifice, but God says
"to obey is better than sacrifice".
Until you work on yourself, God will not work in your life.
Some Lessons of Right Attitude
1. Job broke through by a consistent right attitude. He did not allow what happened to him to make him speak against God. Those who murmur and complain in their challenges stay longer in it, Job 1:21, Vs 14:14, Vs 42:10.
2. Hannah consistently faced provocation from Peninnah her rival, but eventually prayed and took her rest concerning her challenges, "her countenance was no longer sad". When she decided to behaved right, God remembered her 1 Samuel 2:18-19.
3. Eli disobeyed the law of right attitude. His children were misbehaving, but he was highly irresponsible over them and disrespectful unto God. The consequences of his attitude was fatal over him and his family.
4. Joseph was lifted because of right attitude. He decided to be joyful even as a prisoner. Also out of fear of God, he ran away from adultery. Instead of taking vengeance against his brethren for evil they did to him, he only forgave them, Gen45:4-7.
Things that boost a right attitude:
* Have an understanding that no man is perfect
* Have a God is always right attitude
* Maintain a God knows why attitude
* Carry a God cannot tell lie mentality
* Always enquire from yourself; I am doing everything expected of me?
* Make (W W J D) your slogan, meaning "what would Jesus do" if found in this my situation.