I great man with an even greater intellect, who sadly isn't with us anymore, once made the effort to improve upon the ten commandments. I think he did an absolutely great job of it.
Disclaimer: I did not have anything to do with the creation or content of the video. I am a fan of Hitchens and would like to introduce more people to the wonderful work he had done.
Hitchens was just another atheist fool. He hates a God that he claims doesn't exist. If God is like the tooth fairy and Santa Claus why does he hate God? He doesn't hate the tooth fairy and Santa Claus does he? Why does he have such contempt for Christians? He's obviously lying. He obviously hates God so he claims that he doesn't exist.
The only good thing about Hitchens is that he is so contemptible and so obnoxious that he turns off potential atheists.
It's too bad we can't see him in hell so we can ask him if he believes in God yet.
But what about his ten commandments? Do you think they are not better than those in the bible?
And would you really like to see him get horribly tormented for ever in hell? Would you like to watch as demons skin him alive and roll him in salt or something awful like that?
He would turn in his grave if his talking points were turned into another religion! Religion is like a drug. Religion is a way to exert power of those foolish enough to believe its logical fallacies. Discard your faith for it is useless.
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