Thank you for the post and very creative way to explain the position. No matter what one's belief system, political or religious, the question is one of tryanny versus slavery, bondage versus is one of humanity and love.
Love, compassion, freedom, and genuine concern for our fellow many are above any ideology...this is basic to our make up as humans. It is the essence of us. Yet it is something that the elitists in the world have pushed aside. Instead, this evil force has brainwashed mankind into looking outside oneself for what ails him or her inside....
Feel bad...take a pill...
Feel bad...get rid of your wife for someone younger and better looking
Feel bad...go shopping
Feel bad....get online and troll someone call him all kinds of names.
All these have consequences....enriching the captors.
Blockchain is a path to least in part. If we can break the scarcity chains of our captors and create abundance, then people can spend the time looking within oneself at the deeper, more important questions. That is not usually possible when people are working to death simply to put food on the table (and much of the world isnt even doing that).
Thank you for your deeper approach to what is taking place...this is not simply about a network of public ledgers with a encrypted currency tied to it.
It really is the start of a much bigger battle with those entities that seek to keep us in chains. (ha ha blockCHAIN is the way out of our chains).