This piece is part of a two part expose. The second to follow will be about the months of the year.
Even though the majority of the people in the world claim to either be God fearing or atheists i.e. do not believe in any deity or spiritual beings it is amazing just how fascinated humankind is with Pagan deities and the occult.
We have the hammer-wielding god of thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, hallowing, fertility, the protection of mankind and of the fortress, Thor immortalized as a hero by Hollywood and fiction writers while Diana the goddess of the hunt, the moon, and nature has been turned into a superhero that saves earth and there exists, blatant pagan symbolism in all the citys of the world.
A deep dive into every civilizations history whether in Africa, Europe or Asia will reveal personas of these gods and others albeit under different names which our ancestors traditionally worshipped and sacrificed (including children) to, to stop them from meting out horrible punishments including natural disasters. This is aptly summed up in the text “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places.” In Ephesians 6 and Hosea 2: And it will be in that day, you will call me 'My Husband' and no longer call Me 'My Lord' and I will take from her mouth the names of the pagan deities and they will not be remembered by their name anymore.
It is utterly without explanation that in the 21st century we are continually bombarded with pagan deities and glorify them every day and never more so than in the days of the week and the months of the year.
Consider the days of the week:
Sunday, quite literally the Sun’s day i.e. a pagan holiday and Roman day of rest observed throughout the Roman Empire.
Mon day, Moon day, a day sacred to the female deity of the moon by the Anglo Saxons. In latin dies lunae hence the French and Spanish equivalents lundi and lunes.
Tuesday, Tiu’s day. The son of Woden or Mar’s the Roman god of war. Hence in French, Mardi, In Spanish martes.
Wednesday, Woden, chief deity in Norse mythology. The Romans dedicated this day to their god mercury hence the French and Spanish equivalents mercredi, miércoles.
Thursday, Thor's day. The strongest of the gods, the god of thunder.
Friday, the female deity of the sky and wife of Woden, frigga or Frevia, goddess of darkness, who killed Balder with a mistletoe sprig or goddess of love.
Saturday, Saturn's day, the Roman deity Saturn for which the emperor Constantinople cleverly substituted Christmas day for the feast of Saturnalia in which the tradition was to eat drink and be merry as well as baking cakes to the queen of heaven and adorning tress with decorations.
It appears the worship of pagan deities is as strong as ever, cleverly disguised and absolutely impossible to avoid.
Well that is the end of the first part. The months of the year will follow. Please feel free to resteem and share your comments below.
And in all that I have said to you give heed and make no mention of the name of other gods nor let it be heard from your mouth. - Exodus 23:13
Nice job , can’t wait to see next part. Upvoted and resteemed
Thanks, I appreciate it. The second part should be published tommorow if all goes well
Next part is up:
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