in #christianity7 years ago

This is the second part of the two part series Pagan Origins, the first can be found on:

In this article we will look at how we unknowingly give glory to to pagan deities and idols everyday by simply following the calendar. The modern day calendar originates from the fact that the average moon cycle is 29.53 days giving rise to months and the solar cycle 365.24 days giving rise to the year.

Six months in the year are named for pagan gods and goddesses, two for Roman emperors and the rest for numbers.

Let’s now take a look at how the months of the year got their names.

Janus, the two headed Roman god of portals, beginnings and endings.


February gets its name from the Roman festival of Februa, a festival of purification through atonement. February had a day taken off it by Augustus and added to August so August would have the same number of days as July.

Originally the third month of the original Roman calendar of ten months and the time for resumption of war , March was so called in honor of Mars, the ferocious Roman god of war. Named in the bible as Merodach/ Marduk

The Romans called April, Aprilis meaning a time of fertility. The original word either comes from the goddess of love, Aphrodite or a word meaning to open.

Named for Maia, the goddess of spring and growth.

originally only had 29 days but had a day added by Julius Caesar and honors a deity described in the bible as Istar, the queen of heaven a spirit often thought to be satans number two and responsible for all false religions and false miracles. She is traditionally depicted as a dragon. The wife and sister of Jupiter, king of the Gods, Juno.

Named for Julius Caesar.

legend has it that the emperor Augustus was jealous that Julius had a month named after him and renamed it from its original meaning from the word to increase.


The seventh month. September was the seventh month in the original 10 month Roman calendar and became the ninth after the adoption of the Gregorian calendar.


Octo, meaning eight

Novo meaning ninth. The Romans also elected to name November for Tiberius and was described by the Anglo Saxons as the wind and blood month which may be an allusion to sacrifices.


The tenth month in the original 10 month calendar.

This completes the series on pagan origins; please feel free to resteem and comment.


Thanks, i found it interesting... June is kind of a Hot Month..

Guess i'm a sucker for Red Heads.. LOL

Hahaha, better you than me,with the dragon lady.

Nice article...keep going...

Nice job , upvoted and resteemed
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Excellent post. It's little known that Christianity has it roots in far older traditions. Even the festival's can all be traced back to pagan roots, some even changing the dates to fit the narrative. I'm going to read part one and have followed you as it's a subject I find very interesting.

Thanks, indeed you are right. Christmas was Saturnalia. Jesus was more likely born September/October and the way we celebrate it is the same even thou the bible says God will destroy those who hew down tree, deck them with sliver and gold. Same with easter. I may write a another article on such esp Christmas

I'm impressed, not many people make the September/October (Feast of Tabernacles) connection. As for the Christmas tree reference, a discussion I have had many times. I'm certainly looking forward to more of your posts.

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yes pagans!