
2 sides of the same coin. I may be missing something, but I couldn't see anything in there that definitively linked anyone to "satanism". I know Christians tend to lump any form of occult rituals as being linked to their devil as a way of keeping their followers under wraps, but there's nothing there about directly worshipping evil.

Satanism and Luciferianism are the same things. But how you think of them may be different. In other words, New Age movement folks and others like them will view Luciferianism as something good because it means "light bringer." They view Lucifer as the real tragic hero who suffered as a result of bringing true light to Eve. It basically twists the Bible narrative to the opposite And they have their own esoteric way of reading the Bible, where Lucier is the hero and Jesus the villain.

Satanism carries a different "feel" to it than Luciferianism. Most people will think of Alister Crowley when they think of Satanist. They are a bit more obvious. These folks are the ones who are "ok" with human sacrifices and pedophilia.

Anywho, I hope to get into that with more clarity on my Part Two...which is in the works :-)

I know Satanism and Luciferianism are the same thing. But they were still created by Christianity to label anything that was not in line with their version of of a deity. Occult rituals or beliefs aren't an indication of evil. There's nothing to suggest that these people even believe in the the Christian deity and therefore their devil in the first place. You can't worship something that you don't believe exists.
