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RE: I implore you, please watch this video!

in #christianity6 years ago

I agree, the speaker wasn't barbaric, yet first inviting the women to the stage and then throwing them out was rather harsh.

I got it that the speaker deliberately mixed views on creation that were actually Christian with a scientific view. I didn't need to analyze intonation for that. Still, the speaker didn't ask the audience to heed their intonation, so why I would pay attention to it?

Still, I would rather them validate each of their claim with actual biblical sources instead of mixing different unrelated sources and omitting references.

I do not understand why we need more science, though. Scientists still believe the Earth is round, despite the evidence to the contrary. I think we need less science. You cannot replace religion (working tools) with science (unverifiable hypotheses).


You think the earth is flat? That is all I need. I'm sorry, but I won't be conversing with you anymore. I wish you the best. Good day.