And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. [[Mat 24:14]] KJV

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This scripture is being fulfilled through us today. The gospel is the most important news on the surface of the earth.

I was sitting in a bus one time and the Lord told me, you are a pilgrim not a tourist immediately I caught the revelation.

This world is not our home. We dwell in the kingdom of God. And we have a mandate to turn sinners from darkness to light. Many have lived all their lives looking around----not aware of the of the mission given us.

Living for Jesus is the essence of life. Take Jesus out and life is empty. This is not religious talk. This is reality.

Jesus is real. He is the way of eternal salvation. The only way. A man is doom eternally, without Jesus. And that's why He must be preached to everyone, anyone, everywhere and anywhere!

My question to you is are you a tourist or a pilgrim?

Are you vitally involved in the activities of our kingdom?

Are you conscious of the kingdom to which you belong?

Do you think about the world to come?

What exactly are you living for?

Think on these things. Make a decision. Act!

God bless!