CNN Is Promoting A Children's Book That Portrays Santa Claus As A Gay Black Man

in #christmas7 years ago (edited)

Santa's Husband

Everyone knows that Santa Claus is jolly, but in Santa’s Husband, this cherished symbol of the holiday season is also black and gay, and married to an equally cheery man.

I am FULLY for people having their own right to do what they want and have their own unique opinion within reason, but isn't this taking that freedom a little to far? Is it no longer OK to be white or straight? Can't a white man be white anymore? Can't a straight man be straight any more? Whats next, the Easter bunny is really a duck? This whole political correctness stuff is getting ridiculous at this point...


Oh my goodness. I am totally into equal rights and all that jazz. But please this is to the point of ridiculous. Why is everything so complicated now and stressful at that. As you are afraid to open your mouth in case like you say it isn't politically correct. Love your comment about the Easter Bunny soon being depicted as a duck. You have quite the good sense of humor did you get that from your Mother or Father?

They should use the Original Santa Clause from the Bible - Isaiah 63

Who is this Jolly old man in Red, in soiled garments ... coming to judge if they have been naughty or nice.

"Who is this coming from Edom, with soiled garments, from Bozrah, this one Who was stately in His apparel, girded with the greatness of His strength? "

I speak with righteousness, great to save."

Why is Your clothing Red, and your attire like [that of] one who trod in a wine press?

"A wine press I trod alone, and from the peoples, none was with Me; and I trod them with My wrath, and I trampled them with My fury, and their life blood sprinkled on My garments, and all My clothing I soiled.

For a day of vengeance was in My heart, and the year of My redemption has arrived.

It's okay to be White. You should join the Heart Right.

I just find it hilarious that if you made a book depicting Opera as a white male you would be hung in the streets with people cheering as you gasped for your last breath while they scream "sexist" and "racist" at you. All this PC stuff has nothing to do with tolerance, and everything to do with double standards.