The day before the trip was to start we take van into Walmart to get the oil changed ! When the oil was changed they came to me asking if I ever had trouble with the key ! We never did so after awhile no one could get it to start ! When they took it in they had no trouble but when they were done so was my van . Had it hauled out to shop ! So now what do we do ? Take the other vehicle would be the answer. At least we thought .So our adventure starts we are going to Florida for Christmas vacation ! We my man and 2 Grandchildren and dog leave in the evening on that Wednesday night . Suppose to stop in Alabama to see sister and my nephews . It should take 12 hours but would it ? We get to Cincinnati and the tire light comes on so we stop and put air into the tire and fix a flat but does it work of course not ! We end up doing that twice but doesn't work so we have to put on doughnut in Kentucky . We go for another few hours then...... all of a sudden we have a flat again .Now we are stuck up in the mountains of Tennessee but where .It took the tow truck about 3 hours to finally find us . Then we are at tire place for around an hour . We finally make it to our destination in Alabama 22 hours later ! Then we see the beautiful Christmas Tree that Saturday evening at my sons house in Florida ! Finally we are there !
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