
Someone else was telling me, they tale a large cut from your earnings, yeah?

That they do... to maintain the apparatus... so I just you dsound.. and youtube my stuff... until something better comes along... but if you post things... and you already have an audience I guess it works for you.

Cool... it’s too bad #vidme went under... I was really taking to it...

Thats why I don't really get on those kind of things... some of them are built on referalls well those referalls get realy really heavy after awhile... and can unbalance their whole game plan.

It wasn’t network based, they said they just couldn’t compete with YouTube and the other big dogs...

That sounds like poop.... anyone with a decent business model won't stop.

You know, good point man... I’m sure they wouldn’t want us to know the real reasons at the end of the day anyway...