Well I have 5 younger cousins and they are all aged between 2 and 11. 2 live in one household and the the other 3 in the other. Being all of an age at which they can read and write, I didn't know what to get them for christmas, and having never got them anything I didn't want the first gift to be too cheap and then I didn't it want to buy something overpriced for nothing. So I settled on getting two sets of KANO kids computers which teach Kids how to build and program games in Python using a raspberry pi interface. I hope maybe with this I have sewn seeds in them that will make them very successful. Check it out: -
That is really awesome stuff. I own a raspberry pi myself. Really cool stuff can be done with it.
Yeah, I know , as soon as I saw I had to get it, then I couldn't decide on which set of cousins deserved it so I got one set for each set of cousins and I'm hoping to see which set becomes superior as the years progress haha.