«Think Different»
Well yeah, given the scarcity and lack of interesting and quality content in the Hive blockchain in which many years ago I used to spend a lot of my time online entertaining myself, having fun and having a good time in search of inspiration, engagement and new nutritious ideas to create my own content to share in the community. Today I see that it is an useless effort and a huge waste of time to try to scroll for hours looking for that needle in the haystack that entertains me, inspires me or brightens my day even for a few minutes. Unfortunately all that died a long time ago.
Because nowadays and beyond the fact that everything here today feels like an endless desert without true intelligent and organic activity since everything now seems to be automated, benumbed, dumbed-down and stupidized to a point of no return. The incredibly amount of childish, insipid, bland, useless, inconsequential and uninspiring content that you can find in Hive today and which is the best rewarded... ¡Holy shit! it leaves too much to be desired. So, I honestly wonder what serious person would want to spend time consuming this kind of brainless Web3 foolishness. Because evidently this shows all the signs that it can only get worse.
And since I have already denounced this before in many, multiple and diverse ways without anyone saying anything, doing anything, or proposing anything that could correct it and improve it. During this Christmas week I have decided to dedicate my precious time to other useless activities, hobbies and Xmas pastimes that also seemed dead but have turned out to be much more satisfying and rewarding than waste time on Hive looking for something that would inspire me or brighten my day.
Because after all, we are supposed to be in Christmas or close to the traditional Christmas celebrations. And as such, it is supposed to be a time to be cheerful in anticipation of good things for the new year and preparing ourselves to share the best of ourselves through our resolutions for the coming year. ¿Resolutions? Yeah resolutions! Something that everyone tries to do but very few can accomplish throughout the year and in the rest of the year.
Nonetheless, and already at the end of this year, I think that at least I can say that I have spent a good amount of quality time entertaining myself whilst keeping a good sense of humor while building, adorning and filming a somewhat Christmas Nativity Scene in my cave instead of uselessly wasting it scrolling and searching for interesting and quality content on Hive to consume, upvote and curate. Therefore, I suspect that in the end, everyone must finally find their own style and way of fighting boredom in the Web3 desert. So last but not the least, let's hope that at least one of people's New Year's resolutions will include improving the content they post online. Just that, I bet it would make the day for the majority who makes a living in this ecosystem.
¡Happy Christmas!
"Follows, Comments, Rehives & Upvotes will be highly appreciated"

That's the kind of Saturnalia gift that keeps on giving and gets Santa to doff his Phrygian cap by the cheery blaze of the Yule log under the light of the Christmas tree and toast the health of good kids on his nice list with a healthy draft of eggnog infused with bourbon.
PS. don't mind me. I'm just reeling from learning recently about the pagan roots of Christian holidays, and trying to figure out how Easter bunnies lay colored eggs.
¿No has probado sacar debate en la comunidad de Holos Lotus o Humanitas?