well i’ve got forty minutes to burn.
so let’s do some writing eh, it’s been a while and let’s be honest i’ve missed it.
what with inflation, war in europe, climate change, financial markets, army helicopters flying overhead to base to base, it’s been a lot!
but we still here, still kicking it, roof over our heads and warmth, food in our bellies.
also, new exercise routine is on the deck way before the christmas day dinners and so we don’t have to be in a “shame” line in the new year.
i think it’s super smart to set a goal and then head towards that, next three months at least, transitioning into the new year — whatever that may bring.
living life very super adaptive at the moment, for whatever comes, recently did some gig work and was shocked how lacking that was, i was not even asked for my driving license.
i think if you ran those things as a business then you could do quite well from it, for claiming back mileage and other such tax breaks.
been floating between video stuff, template stuff and messing with chatgpt in recent weeks, seems no matter where you look AI is now taking over.
i really don’t think people realise what trajectory we are on.
maybe i don’t either but i certainly see a digital token for each country, to unlock food and resources as we transition to a value based time/geo economy — we have some work to do on the algos thou as they are easily corrupted.
the world cup has been interesting. i’ve caught a game here and there. i knew england would lose against france. how could they win?
some of the underdog stories are interesting and i’m guessing we are all behind morocco now, i mean sure, why not. argentina will probably take it however.
sunshine and web3 are my hopes for next year — certainly gonna be a few years of stacking ahead, something low key, low profile, easy to do, something i can really get my teeth into would be great.
the spammers are getting desperate again out there. i guess with all the avenues to digital high jacking on the high seas they just change targets rapidly. desperate is as desperate does right?
i love the fact i can get up and ask the question to chatGPT
can you list 5 things with emojis of things i can do to protect myself from spammers in 2023
and it will spit out something like this. . .
🛡️ Use a spam filter on your email to automatically block spam messages
🔒 Don’t click on links in suspicious emails or texts
🚫 Be cautious of giving out personal information online
🔑 Use a strong, unique password for each of your online accounts
💻 Keep your security software, like antivirus and firewalls, up to date to protect against malware and other threats.
Pretty sick huh?
oh yeah, forgot to mention, started on my journey into tech wear and men’s capsule living, i love the idea of really downsizing that stuff.
I’ve got a way to go to be totally everyday edc but it’s a start. i’d like to have a lock on that going into next year so transitions between places are smooth.
i’ve been looking at and working on automations as well to speed things up — i’m pretty sure in 2022 we can pretty much schedule each part of our process (i need a list!) to be able to get our content and message out to the web.
i’m heavily interesting in cloud and distribution because we are gonna need it next year with the march of ai in everything we do it’s gonna be the go-to assistant.
the big boys have their work cut out and i’m sure we will see new hardware.
that is, if we don’t nuke ourselves, that could happen too.
humble x

pinterest epic wins pinboard → brand advocate for nokia, 1000heads, verisign → won vloggie for node666 (san fran 2006) → television for time team history hunters 1999 → sold me.dm to evan williams in april 2011 → went to phil campbell, alabama to help raise money after tornado (was on sky news, bbc news)→ CNN for sxsw 2013 about austin sxsw → video chat with robert scoble → music video can you spot me?
good to hear youre still kicking bro
Im headed to the big smoke for a hive meetup in brick lane tomorrow
you about?