Difference between Chrome and Chromium

in #chrome7 years ago

Difference between Chrome and Chromiumcvc_top-650x300.png
As most of them are aware Chrome is a web browser developed by Google. Chromium is an open-source web-browser project started by Google.
🗯Chrome vs Chromium🗯
Google Chrome has colorful logo whereas Chromium has a blue logo.
Google Chrome reports a crash if the options are turned on, Chromium never reports any of the crashes.
In Chrome, user metrics are reported if it’s ON, user metrics are never reported to developers or to anyone.
Chrome supports audio and video codecs like AAC, H.264, MP3, Opus, Theora, Vorbis, VP8, VP9, and WAV, Chromium supports audio and video codecs like Opus, Theora, Vorbis, VP8, VP9, and WAV by default
Google Chrome is tested by Google Chrome Developers, but Chromium Code might be changed or modified by distributions.
Google Chrome and Chromium browser both have Sandbox support. In Google, Chrome sandbox is always enabled. In Chromium, few Linux distributions may disable the Sandbox option


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