
That's a temporary fix. And then the needle? My back?

Ok let me explain something. It took 5 people to hold me down for a flu shot as a kid. Grownups. I was 5.

Now? I gotta get tied into a chair for a blood draw. Unless the nurses cheat and have the hottie face into boobies and distract me.... That's totally evil. Best blood draw ever. I have no clue until it's over...

But yeah I'm not gonna let someone stick a chunk of steel into me at all. Yeah.... Someone's gonna die.

It they would have to nap me. That's one thing. But awake? nope that's a hard negative. Sorry I don't control the ship when a needle is involved.

Phobias. And needles is the biggest one of mine.

Doctor massage therapy and chiropractor. Bet physical therapy too.

Yeah next best option would be the Chiropractor, that worked for me on another occasion when I threw out my back. The doctor just did some weird adjustment move and it was better! Good Luck.

Thank you. It's about finding the right one for me..someone experienced in these hip and spine injuries.

It would be nice not to have this hurting all the time and going down.

Sucks but I did survive something that I shouldn't have. I'll live with the pain if I could survive that night. And I did. I gotta hold up my end of the bargain.

I feel u brother. I just had 8 neck injections (Cortisone and nerve blockers). I got the L4/L5 injured in lower back and my neck has issues. I’m able to walk luckily but the pain hurts so bad. I’ll comment more later brother🤟

It’s me @geneeverett btw

Found my old password for my lost account.

Congratulations getting your account back

why am I ignored? :(

I was not sure if you are actually real or not, nothing personal.

no biggie:) if you want to know more about me, take a look at my personal blog/website:

have a great weekend:)