The emergence of CICADA 3301 and the rise of Cryptocurrency share a distinctly parallel timeline. There is an obvious spike in cryptographic concerns/topics/efforts as we grow more and more aware of our lack of anonymity. The shadowy nature of Bitcoin's origin is almost as strange as the identity of the cicada organization. Actually, as far as cryptography goes, BTC could be an excellent way to solve a major problem: factoring. If someone could develop a way to crack encryption, but hold onto that method for personal gain, perhaps some agencies throughout the world would like that method?
Perhaps providing an incentive would help? BTC could be that incentive, because somebody with the "magic decryption method" could instantly hash any block that comes out, gaining immense profit. Or hack wallets, etc. But also, ponder for a second, Satoshi Nakamoto. A highly intelligent cryptographer / technological enthusiast skilled in economics, mathematics, and the technical skill to develop BTC. I also think Satoshi was not one person, but many people, who have an ulterior motive to just creating an online currency. It seems like Cicada3301 is a group of teenager's who acquired a copy of Steal this Computer Book and started making clever puzzles to solidify their brilliance.''
It might be safe to theorize the 2 groups could have its similarity of some sorts. These puzzles look for the most intelligent people and insist you solve some things in order to prove your enlightenment or something along those lines and I suggest maybe its for a high end security and crypto-currency developers because well they do go hand in hand with one another. Just to add the whole mysterious and anonymous look didn't give it away I don't know what I'm doing or looking at anymore. We will dive head first into the Decentralization Agenda and goals of many groups and how some things overlap in this investigation. Some have claimed that Cicada 3301 is a secret society with the goal of improving cryptography, privacy and anonymity.
There was a very mysterious Puzzle from from 2017 that looked as if it was by Cicada 3301 themselves which included some pdfs and an image about Decentralized Binary Quantum encryption model with DNA and it looked rather impossible to decrypt in 2017. It may also use DNA along with Binary and other things, we suggest it uses something like a "magicicada" genetic code perhaps. Quantum Computers typically run "quantum physics" they make into java but they are known to be very very good at breaking encryption. There is ways to visualizer a quantum PC on a typical machine its called the "Microsoft quantum playground" but rather or not any of this actually works is beyond me even with all my quantum "encryption" ideas.
3301 is probably looking for people who could quantum encrypt things or decrypt other things simply. It really does seem right up the alley for this kind of stuff for a new future of bitcoin using DNA. We find in the archive of Cicada 3301 image in 2014 telling solvers to invest in bitcoin like they said in 2012 and 2013 and never have financial problems again which they would of been right all along and even got 10 times better since or even more now. Also note the "Expect us" as a hint to the anonymous connection I would like to say literally in the picture.
The key principles used in quantum cryptography using air-pockets as form of security like in EARLY ARPAnet in 1947 which is where the idea of the internet came from in the first place and allowing C.E.R.N. to use with tools from NIS in 1901. Tim Berners-Lee, a British scientist at CERN, invented the World Wide Web (WWW) in 1989. The web was originally conceived and developed to meet the demand for automatic information-sharing between scientists in universities and institutes around the world. Speaking of NIS as well as in the National Institute of Standards and Technology was founded on the third of March 1901 or 3/3/01 (3301). As an Institution NIST seems to be the first U.S. government organization to work towards advancements in cryptography and cyber security.
Magi-cicada's endosymbiont bacteria was one of the weirdest things we found in Cicada's strange Idiosyncratic Genome Degradation, we was surprised that the Triplicate parallel life cycle divergence greatly despite gene flow. Hodgkinia lineages show evidence of non-adaptive evolution with the lack of introgressive hybridization other things included Paternal Leakage showed the Nuclear genomes caused a Genetic Dominance.
If we want to look deeper into the Decentralized part of things then this is another project to give notice and it is called "IamCicada" . Seems like a lot of stuff going on here and maybe a group to look into if it isn't Cicada 3301 it's pretty close. [Now offline] We also note that the use of " I AM" and "A.I" reversed at the beginning in the website name along with "Cicada". We can find an article with the owner and how he claims he isn't in the group but confesses resemblance. Here is the Cicada Whitepaper from "the laughing monkey", that wasn't a joke but sure does look like it wasn't.
Now lets take a look at some of there technology claims and how they line up so well with Cicada and Bitcoin symbolisms and ideology . "A decentralized, people-controlled universal ID, called the HUID. An "Info Wallet" linked to the HUID returns control of personally identifying information (PII). The HUID can make large-scale data breaches a thing of the past. One beautiful side effect of the system is that it provides **a workable ** universal basic income (UBI).The DPoW is also incredibly energy and storage efficient, able to run on a cell phone without draining the battery. As the system matures, the HUID will make it trivial to apply for a new job, sign up for a website, or simply buy things in person or on the web. The Cicada platform also includes a robust, end-to-end verifiable, direct democracy voting system. The voting module gamifies voting by giving voters incentives for constant participation.
A citizen proposal filtration system keeps crazy ideas from ever coming to a national vote by routing them through ever-larger layers of people. Cicada also uses an encrypted messaging system that has the potential to end the crypto wars forever. It builds on David Chaum's idea for PrivaTegrity, but takes the idea much further. Cicada functions even if all centralized communications infrastructure fails. Lastly, Cicada takes malware writers' tricks and uses them against them, protecting the binaries on everyone's cell phones with checks against a software blockchain.
Interesting thing about Cicada's is they hide for a while before emerging which is another thing Bitcoin and Cicada 3301 seem to have in common as well as other high technological Projects. The cicadas are a superfamily, the Cicadoidea. Most cicadas are cryptic, singing at night to avoid predators. The periodic cicadas spend most of their lives as underground nymphs, emerging only after 13 or 17 years, which may reduce losses by starving their predators and eventually emerging in huge numbers that overwhelm and satiate any remaining predators."
There is a secret Black Budget Pentagon surveillance program apparently in cooperation Echelon made by Cicada 3301 called CAKES made from the "winners" of the Cicada Puzzle, which was created by several talented civilians. Cakes was a tool whistle blowers and others living in fear could use to distribute information on the internet without being traced and the plug was pulled just a few months before NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden’s disclosures in 2013. The program is now used to allow thousands of honest Government people to report on their corrupt superiors, using what is called a DEAD BOX whistle blower encryption method so the non-corrupted Government officials can report corruption and still remain safe.
The secret societies, NSA, and CICADA 3301 all love this type of data when we post articles about things opening peoples eyes to the world more and the vulnerabilities there is . From all the major corporations, who are just beginning to expand global surveillance into every facet of our lives. These corporations know this is a problem. We don't know how much more data can be collected by the NSA but they it certainly makes a lot with all the metadata and cookies and more pictures of people's hairdos, nudity and harassment.
A Pentagon insider "ANON" from July 2016 seems much like FBI Anon and Qanon the following years. Way back in June 2016, before Vault 7 happened in 2017, Cicada 3301 posted a strange prophecy on the deep web. “Those who would destroy our lives with lies will themselves be destroyed with truth”. It certainly seems like someone knew something big was about to happen and maybe they had access to all the stuff Wikileaks dumps before anyone else we may never know.
July 27, 2016
ANON: “The next wiki leak will deal with Clinton Foundation. Quid pro. Cicada 3301, which you hear about, is connected to Wikileaks. There are former and current FBI agents who are leaking, not Russians. There are internal battles afoot, and the white hats are using a segment of Cicada 3301 called Pi Mobi to expose the false flags being committed in US and Europe. Watch UK and NYC, Berlin and Paris in coming days. Things about to get really crazy by 2nd week of August.” The platform (CAKES) is near completion at this point or is already. ANON also stressed that many FBI agents plan to leak more details of the Clinton Foundation investigation to Wikileaks and some already have.
Brood b.0h was the "Group" which had Marcus and Tekk who worked on CAKES after 2012, the other supposed conspiracy is that Swartz was one of the good guys working on things but we can not confirm his connections within for now. We do rather have Edward Snowden, which is apart of another conspiracy with Vault 7 and the biggest data breach in the world's History. This is the guy who is the one who made Echelon "working" properly and claims its like an "A.I. Data-basing System" sort of like MEMEX (RAM) but 1000 times better . What we do know is that most of the Cicada 3301 winners or runner ups went off to work for the government in these tech farms with different goals and agendas specifically for their skill set. "Everyone except you is Cicada" was a motto years ago. The first internet puzzle started on January 4, 2012 and ran for approximately one month. A second round began one year later on January 4, 2013, and a third round following the confirmation of a fresh clue posted on Twitter on January 4, 2014. In January 2009, Nakamoto released the first bitcoin software that launched the network and the first units of the bitcoin cryptocurrency, called bitcoins. Shadowy nature of Bitcoin's origin is almost as strange as the identity of the cicada organization and Wikileaks projects which all of them under one name and the dates and other stuff secretly connected, notice the Early January Patterns to set forth the "rest of the year".
The NSA, Sun Microsystems, Apple and Microsoft isn't just tools and occult symbols for nerds. Its more than government, more than banks even More than all the Satoshi Nakamoto's perhaps or is. Cicada is fundamentally about evolution of man and about taking us to the next step. Evolution of man is going to the next biological step which is overcoming humanity Digging deeper inside to find infinity. Knowing no limitations, weaknesses, and suffering. The revolution occurs on every level which is physical, subconscious, emotional, mental, social, technical, and so on to find their way to the enlightenment offered are those who will change the world of tomorrow, but the world of today right now.
Wikileaks is the biggest operation that was in history in leaking information even agents go to see what is new over there. Cicada the biggest operation that was in searching very smart people focus on cryptography and hiding information, And have the same vision as Wiki leaks and also talked about cash. Between them you have the biggest startup operation. It's true some people from Wikileaks said that peer to peer file sharing can bring finical freedom and works heavily with peer to peer and cryptography. These people wanted you to focus on "self encryption methods" to keep your data safer. Snowden even reference's 3301 once in Wikileaks data saying something like Cicada 3301 is like a hacker group looking for images in EBAY and yahoo and PM's looking for the people who was involved with in 9-11-2001 and that 3301 is currently possibly looking for secret hidden messages within those images metadata and other forms of data inside.
Cicada 3301 and Bitcoin and maybe even Wikileaks might originate from UC Berkeley group. Relatively new compared to other secret groups – oldest members were collaborating in the 1990s, but as a group they only started in the early 2010s. The Cicada 3301 puzzles are how they recruit. It used to be more open, recruiting in person and through places LessWrong, but that created obvious infosec problems. Nick Szabo, who is also believed to be one of the creators of bitcoin, is also believed to be an top member of the College. Balaji Srinivasan, a VC who advocates for Silicon Valley to secede from the US, is another Relatively young group of people: generation X and generation Y. Definitely not a fan of the direction the baby boomers took US culture and government. They try to use their influence in tech and journalism to try to push the popular narrative in a certain direction rumored to have turned the public against certain narratives, such as black lives matter, and made blockchain software mainstream. They are believed to communicate mostly online over some kind of message board system, but also meet in real life. They are rumored to have wealthy patrons who cloak their activities in the superficial trappings and rituals of occult groups as a diversion base many beliefs around the writings of Mencius Moldbug, a computer engineer, and Nick Land, a Shanghai-based British philosopher. Last project was building a private city in Kazakhstan, which I hear has fallen through.
There have been early records discovered in 1993 to 1994 relating to a series of mailing distributions created by Berkeley staff who worked in Soda Hall. One of them was Eric Hughes, who was a mathematician in 1993 at Berkeley who was involved in working on making the distros encrypted and anonymous. What is funny is that the distro domains had cicada written into it. ( Eric Hughes was well know in the cypherpunk community who wrote books on cryptology. He was also associated with John Gilmore, who is a huge advocate against Internet censorship and an advocate for Internet privacy, encryption, and anonymity. Best of all? John Gilmore was the fifth employee of Sun Microsystems and most likely knew the technological underground that was bustling at the time in Silicon Valley.
What made this connection even more exciting was there are faculty at the time in Berkeley who was aware of distros and even used them. One notable example is Dr. Michael Stiber, a Computational Biology professor who currently is teaching and researching for the University of Washington, but landed his first teaching post in UC Berkeley in 1996 (CV: Stiber used the distro as a form of his e-mail when he co-authored this paper ( Furthermore, Stiber (being mostly still considered a professor in the biological sciences), has a very interesting Twitter headline in which he writes "I don't believe in anonymity." Therefore, Stiber has to be aware of
Finally this public log was recorded by Webster University regarding on how was used in relations of keeping them anonymous .( As a result, it seems that distros appear to have built the earliest forms of encryption and anonymity in relations of using the Internet as a form of communication and information transferring. As a result, it ties closely to the MO of how Cicada 3301 does things in relations to their puzzles thus far. Furthermore, the last time was noted was at the end of 1994 (However, it is believed that the distros themselves were still active till the early 2000's) only to reappear in references again in 2012, the same year the puzzles were launched! Note here, that this is exactly 17 years in between. Like the cicadas that live underground for 17 years they have again, emerged. Some further speculate that in brood 0h (the name given to 2012 recruits), 'h' stands for 17 in baseX encoding (X>17) using letters above 9 just like hexadecimal.
By digging deeper into Cypherpunk, we have discovered that distro's were just a mere prototype for the larger picture of the Cypherpunk Mailing List, which was in turn, the prototype to the darknet and Tor. The Cypherpunk Mailing List was eventually created between Eric Hughes (who developed the distro), John Gilmore (now running his own Bay Area firm Cygnus Solutions) and Timothy C. May, who was one of the early electronic engineers working for Intel. The Cypherpunk Mailing List became popular for public debate regarding the privacy, freedom and neutrality of the Internet to philosophical, mathematical, computational, technological and cryptographic matters. Due to its anonymous and encrypted methods, mail bombers frequent used the service to target their victims with spam e-mails and until 2013, Al-Qaeda has even used the service.
People who used Cypherpunk included Philip Zimmermann, who created PGP Signatures. Julian Assange (of the WikiLeaks fame) and even Tor developer Jacob Applebaum. These people are a fragment of many intellectuals, engineers and professors who used or develop the service. In a sense, was the prototype to the Cypherpunk Mailing List, which in turn, might have influenced the creation of Tor and the darknet in 2003.
Therefore three possible conclusions can be reached: Cicada 3301 was inspired by the distribution development in the early 1990's and based their group name, mission statement and activities around the Berkeley project. Cicada 3301 is the next evolutionary phase of the original project headed by some or all the original members involved with the Berkeley project. This speculation theory is so coincidental that the connection between the Berkeley project and Cicada 3301 is just a fluke and thus Cicada 3301 debuted independently without prior knowledge to the Berkeley project. Links to all the information thus far that led to my speculation above (in no particular order):
Side Information Related to the Berkeley Connection:
Phrack is one of the longest running hacker zines.
They are reaching peak cyberwarfare; cicada may very well be guerrillas. It isn't really a puzzle really rather It's just the nature of the state of being. These things are like Nazis emerging from Antarctica in space ships within the storm and the fluud starts. As someone who used to be heavily active on 4chan for years, I can certainly say that this is something the community is/was capable of. Cicada 3301 was formed around the same time as the “Anon” ideology came to a crescendo (before the formation of the official hacker group “Anonymous”). In fact, since its inception 4Chan members who identify as “Anon” have largely maintained an overarching ideology / political stance that is incredibly similar to the Cicadian tenants. 3301 may have been another way to both expand and improve Anon’s fledgling community of hackers. Just look at the far-right and the pushing agenda of Kek and Trump in recent years and including Qanon.
Apart from the which had been defunct since 1995, they have which was established in 2012, 17 years after the end of cicada and the start of the new puzzle in 2012. This could be interpreted as the hash of an onion page, however it should be noted that hashes can be used as unique file identifiers for deep web applications such as Freenet, Gnunet or P2P file sharing systems. If cicada does originate from berkeley, maybe their lectures on cryptography could shed some light on the algorithms used.
It is a very plausible idea that Bitcoin was Created in 2009 and Cicada officially in 2012 both anonymous owners and creators sounds like a pattern and happened to be hanging out around 4chan. These people find comfort banding together, and it is becoming an obvious problem for society as a whole as well as humanity in the long run. Our saving grace may actually be genetic manipulation behind the scenes. To weed out the worst aspects of humanity while bolstering the things that benefit us. We have to be careful however. One mistake could leave us as a race in some sort of genetic pot hole. Interesting that people refer to entities such as the typical grey alien as possible beings from our future, travelling back to collect DNA in order to make changes they can no longer process in their own time and space.
Now lets talk more about the military connections in SIGINT. The WJCAG One can only hazard a guess at the old W and J Divisions of GCHQ's Cryptanalysis Group, where J was in charge of SIGINT (Signals Intelligence) interception and "W" was responsible for final delivery of SIGINT "product" to "consumer". The main website portal originally invited you to type in the "secret" code number (3301) of the Room, in order to access the supposedly "private" WJCAG club members' area. However, within a matter of seconds, a simple Google search on "WJCAG" got me the individual "hidden" page that members were redirected to upon entering the correct pass code. How hilariously ironic that cracking the GCHQ code was so easy. Not surprisingly, the code was hurriedly changed a few days later and the link to my site was removed, but I'd already made a copy of the contents.
H Cryptanalysis – Code-Breaking. Still the most important element within the UKUSA Accord, provides some 75% of Britain's take for NSA. Works closely with X Computer Services
X Computer services – Computers. Operates the agency's highly developed supercomputers
S Statistical Operations – Traffic Analysis. Source, destination, priority and frequency.
J Special SIGINT - Interception - Formerly SovBloc intercepts. Compiles user reports.
K General SIGINT - Interception - ROW. Compiles user reports. First sections specializing in Counter-Terrorism established in early 1980’s. K20 Special Unit monitors Radical Groups or Individuals ‘within’ Britain.
U Search Technology – LRTS Long Range Technical Search. Developing means of location.
W Communications Division – Delivery of SIGINT to final consumer.
Z Requirements & Liaison - Coordinates coverage for domestic customers including SIS, MI5, MOD, FCO, Treasury, Bank of England, DTI, Customs and Excise, MPSB and NCIS. Liaison with NSA and other SIGINT partners
C Overseas staff,
E Personnel,
F Finance and Supply,
G Management and General,
M Mechanical engineering,
Q Technical
R Security
USMC-MOS codes:
3301 Programmer, Computer RCA
3301 Computer Operator RCA
3 * 3 *0 * 1=0 Last numbers are 0 and 1 This means binary programming. 3= 000 3= 000 0=0 1=1 00000001 In binary programming this means 0=128 0=64 0=32 0=16 0=8 0=4 0=2 1=off Root from integer 64=8 ; 16=4 ; 4=2; . 8+4+2= 14 Number So my assumption is that 3301 is a decentralized p2p network based on hierarchical system with a wide distribution of sub-cells that work together without the need for a detailed plan or goal. Thus creating a self-refining swarm intelligence. A single neuron doesn't need to know the full aspects of the thought they are helping to conceive. I hope we have a mechanism to avoid mass hysteria. 3301 octal is 1729 and it is a Euler primes which are primarily used for probability/deterministic for cryptoanalysis to speed up sieves. Cicada 3301 and Bitcoin has also echoed WikiLeak's philosophy in the past and seems concerned with protecting whistleblowers as Former Cicada insider claims the mysterious group had 'decided to create software to protect whistle-blowers like Chelsea Manning, who was facing trial at the time':
The most obvious clue: Cicada 3+3+0+1=7, aka Cicada and 7s. Cicada 3301 has started the following : "We are a group of individuals who have proven ourselves much like you have by completing this recruitment contest, and we are drawn together by common beliefs. A careful reading of the texts used in the contest would have revealed some of these beliefs, that tyranny and oppression of any kind must end, that censorship is wrong and that privacy is an inalienable right." Now that the new brood had been taken in, the 3301 members told them, they would be tasked with creating software that fit the ideology of the group.

In recent news:
Woodland Hills, California, March 31, 2022
Cicada 3301, the mysterious puzzle-creating organization best known for advocating privacy and human rights, has once again revealed its global presence, with cryptic posters spotted in Italy, Hungary, Brussels, New York and elsewhere. Astonishingly, what has also emerged is a unique crypto token issued by Cicada 3301 LLC, linked to the organization's humanitarian goals. Since its release, the new token has gained 20% in daily trade. The token may appeal to young investors demanding investments aligned with their personal philosophy, and to those seeking an efficient means to deliver relief to troubled areas.
The community of Cicada solvers is thought to number in the millions worldwide, as its key themes know no geographic boundaries. The new posters — "War in U Crain" — carry a double meaning hinting at psychological aspects of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. The Cicada governance team includes noted directors, composers, artists, producers, and writers, as well as deep expertise in cryptography, cryptocurrency blockchain technologies, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). "We intend to raise funds for women and children displaced by the regional conflict," says New Zealand artist and senior partner Ana Couper. "The idea of a philanthropic token is entirely new within the cryptocurrency world," says Michael Levine, a well-known composer and Cicada member. Levine, famous for his "Kitkat" jingle, adds "With this token, we can make a difference in the lives of the most vulnerable victims of war."
According to Couper, interest in Cicada 3301 remains unabated since its birth in 2012. She adds, "People can feel good about investing in a token that addresses the immediate needs of women and children displaced by crisis. In the past, charities have sometimes proven slow to address the urgent issues of food and shelter facing these women and their children, whereas cryptocurrency offers a way to deliver meaningful targeted relief with the immediacy that is needed."
The group's Discord community at — where the first official announcement of the Cicada token occurred on "Pi Day," March 14th, 2022 — is open to the public. The announcement launched a new multilayer, multidimensional puzzle. According to board member Matthew Chapman, a significant feature of the new puzzle architecture is the inclusion of crypto wallets containing Cicada tokens within puzzles. This serves three purposes: incentive to solve, prize for solving, and verification for the community of whether a given puzzle has been solved. The first puzzle was just solved. Many more puzzles and rewards lie ahead. Cicada wants to deliver immediate help to those who feel most helpless. The token is there to offer immediate assistance to women and children caught in a tragic refugee situation. The Cicada token trades on the Ethereum blockchain. The initial coin offering is on Uniswap at
For more information about the Cicada token, visit
With this information given to you today I give you the reason Cicada 3301 very well be Satoshi Nakamoto and the recent news in 2022 may not even be the real 3301.
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