I'm sending six cigars to a random Steem user, for free.
As I enjoy my evening cigar on this beautiful Sunday, I feel like posting another cigar giveaway... I appreciate you my followers and fellow cigar lovers, so again I am giving away six cigars to a random Steemit/Busy user.
Same rules as before:
All you need to do to enter is comment, any comment, so that I can keep track of the entries. I was going to do any up-vote, but I don't think bots receive physical goods at their IP addresses. 😜
Anywhere in the world is eligible and you do not need to be a follower.
One winner will be selected with random.org.
Contests, giveaways, and bombing someone (randomly sending them free cigars) are all common practice at most online cigar groups. Even if you do not smoke cigars, they make a great gift, or perhaps give it a try! I am always here to help beginners any way I can.
From my personal humidor:
Artisan Nicuragua
Aurora Escogidos Maduro
Alec Bradley Nica 1685
The Exclusive BLTC Veep - My FB groups cigar, unavailable to anyone else
Iron Horse Churchill
(see my review here: https://steemit.com/cigars/@gregm/a-brief-cigar-review-gispert-robusto)
Fine print:
- I will use random.org to pick the winner and post the video link within a day after this post closes. I will most likely assign a number to the username as comments come in. First number to show up twice on random.org wins.
- I will ship the same or next day.
- I will provide an email address to send your physical address too.
- No minors
- If there is continued interest in this, I will keep it up.
Have a good evening Steemians!
Excited to see who the lucky winners are! ;)

😆 HAHA! Great meme!
Thanks for entering 😤
I don't smoke but know someone who could use these. :)
😤, cool!
I don't believe that I've tried any of these. But I'm always willing to try new smokes. Thanks.
Awesome, thanks for entering!👍
oh man i guess you are going to refrain from cigar...............
I never refrain from cigar smoking! 😁
My Dad want's those 😋
Good luck, thanks for entering! 😤👍
Ohhh I have a SCOTCH waiting for one of those ;)
oooh awesome, thanks for entering. What kind of scotch?
Oh I would gather glenmorangie or glennlevitte 15 would be good..
No whiskie from North America I have found compares to scotch.. but I don't like peety brands. Smooth scotch with a hint of flavor.. then the right cigar which I admit not so knowledgeable about.. would need to experiment :)
I'll post a review if you give me a scotch to try
I love both of them, and I am with you on scotches that are too peety. Most cigars would go well with either of those Glen(n)s 😤👍
Awesome man! Only for big occasions but I would enjoy this!!
Awesome, thanks for entering! 😤👍
Mad idea, like it! I just wanna get one for my partner, he'll go crazy, I'm sure about it!
Signed: generous girlfriend (wow, I'm sooooo big hearted) OF COURSE I WANT ONE!!!
Haha, great signature!
Thanks for entering! 😤👍
PS. Keep it up, we're interested! 😁
You got it! Thanks 🙂
Nice post and very generous idea.
Thank you, and thanks for entering! 😤👍
Thank you team101! 😤👍
Oh nice another cigar giveaway =p
You the man Greg !!
Thanks for entering Chromiumone! Ha sorry, not sure how I missed this comment. Will be drawing a name today or tomorrow
So is this comment enough?
Fo shizzle!
Great giveaway - I'm in!
Awesome, thanks for entering! 😤👍
Another great idea @Gregm! I would love to win this!
I love cigar giveaways. :-)
Haha, awesome Seablue! Good to see you again
Thanks for entering! 😤👍
you are welcome... I do not smoke, but I have a friend who would like it. :)
Perfect! 🙂
Cool :)
Thanks for entering! 😤👍
I'm sure it will taste good
Thanks for entering! 😤👍
I would love to sample a few. Maybe after the Golden State Warriors win the title this year I'll have a victory cigar.:)
Amazing team! But I still support my Trailblazers! Thanks for entering!
Count me in! Thanks! I make my own cigarettes with 'healthy' (no chemicals) tobacco and use a machine to roll them, saves me tons of cash and is healthier alternative to store bought packs which are terrible in many ways; chemicals, ease of addiction, headaches, carpet glue tongue, others i prob don't know about. I havn't burned a stogie in a while, would be nice.
Thanks for the comment, and for entering!
Wow, very cool on making your own smokes. I am actually surprised more people do not do what you are doing. While inhaling can still be harmful, I am sure a lot less harmful than inhaling whatever crap cigarette companies put in their products! If I smoked cigarettes still (I did for 3 years when I was young) I would make my own as well.
Right on! Good luck all!
Cool, thanks for entering !
Thanks for the contest!
[email protected]Congrats @ikilledcobain, you were selected! Email me your address and I will get the cigars sent out!
Wow! Thanks!
Cigars shipped!
No prob, thanks for entering !
I'll gladly take a crack at 'em :)
Thank you for the contest!
Your welcome. Thanks for entering !
I've won your contest before, so maybe don't qualify? My sons reap the benefit of me enjoying your posts. ;)
Hey again Anotherjoe! Every comment qualifies,. Plus these are better cigars than the times before, and I hope to keep increasing the quality I am able to put up for free. Thanks for entering, good luck again!
Thanks for entering! 😤👍
That exclusive veep cigar looks awesome though! :p
It has been a hit among our group and especially when we allow some outside sales.
Thanks for entering!
I don't know if I can still enter, but anyways thank you for doing these giveaways!
Yes indeed, gentry is available until the post closes... Thanks for entering!
Hey, dude. Even though I don't smoke myself, I know a guy who would appreciate this as a gift. Thanks for giveaway, by the way!
Thanks for entering!😤👍