I really Liked the concept of CINETV as movies really play a big role in our society. We can't imagine the impact of movies on mindset of our societies. From fantasy to Real Life stories, movies do teach us many lessons.
I don't know why but my inner gut feeling is telling me to get CINE as much as possible. I recently rejoined the platform after losing my Job due to Covid that's why I didn't have that much HIVE or STEEM available with me but I Invested every penny for it :D
According to Bhagwad Gita We all are actors playing our role in this world cum theatre. I know in coming future CINE would produce and help many new creative directors and actors to showcase their talent to the world.
I am Buying and Holding CINE for all those future actors, directors and producers.
Right Now I was only able to purchase 42 CINE. I know this number is really small but trust me this is my 100%. I would recommend you also to invest and Hold at least 50% of your HIVE Net worth in CINE.
I wish I had more to Invest :(