crammed in propaganda
This right here is getting so bad with anything created in the last 5 years but the last 2 are even worst, You can't watch one show without some political problem shoved in it.
crammed in propaganda
This right here is getting so bad with anything created in the last 5 years but the last 2 are even worst, You can't watch one show without some political problem shoved in it.
Oh two years has been the worst. I hate that whenever I see a woman in a role now that I question the validity of her being there as an actor. I hate that feeling, and it is not the way I used to watch movies. That did not even cross my mind.
right, We watch Grey's anatomy and that show this year has used every political thing that happens in 2020, Black Lives Matter, Covid, Trans, Women's Rights, likely more. Kinda a downer now
Screws up the watching of the show, doesn't it?