I've had this film on my Netflix list for a while.
Last night I put it on... honestly not expecting much. More like a film to help me fall asleep.
But I must say, was pleasantly surprised. It's actually pretty good.
"The Game" meets "Wild Wild Country" ... Granted its not as good as those two references... not David Fincher level of execution nor material.
But it reminded me a bit of the Game and it deals with cults. Modern very "opened minded" cults.
The actor is terrific!! I never saw him, but he is spot on from the beginning. Fantastic performance in all the stages of the character.
(Co-starting is Adam Goldberg who is also very good in it)
And I'm even going to say that this film could be studied in a low budget filmmaking class. The way the story was crafted, make the movie gain some scope and dimension, but 90% of the time is using low budget film techniques.
A very nice surprise.
The film does not waste time and the end surprised me also.
A little hidden "jewel" in the middle of the Netflix originals. It is worth your time if you're looking for something like this.
Hope Netflix makes more movie like this. Low budget creative, a bit odd, interesting movies. That maybe, don't pull people to go to the theater given the scope and what not...
I'll keep my eye on the filmmakers. A nice little movie.
As always, thank you for reading.
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I saw this movie, Is totally crazy and creepy !
Yeah.. quite a surprise hien?