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RE: Why bother with circle jerks?

in #circlejerk8 years ago

It's all an echo chamber of comfort... and the effect is amplified by things like Farcebook whose algorithms serve up people more and more word soup that simply agrees with their established perception. It's one of the reasons I largely left Farcebook... not "censorship" or "being used," but the fact that my content was always streamed towards my "proven interests." What a superb way to leave everyone stuck in the muck.

I think the world is filled with "specialists" and "generalists." The trick is getting everyone to their highest and best use. If I need neurosurgery, you BET I'm gonna want someone who eats, lives and breathes brain surgery. If I'm looking for a think tank to come up with ideas to further the human condition, I do NOT want some circle jerk like you describe... I want the whole ball of diversity in there... including those who think my beliefs make me a total jackhole. How else can we understand the totality of "How Things Work?"


I agree. Thus, my article. :) Thanks for a great reply though.