Steemit is the most popular interface to the Steem blockchain and has thousands of users using it. However, given the recent bearish market and Steem price crashing down from its ATH $8.40+ to $1.50, in your opinion, what do you think will bring Steem and Steemit its value in 2018?
It's hard to pretend that things are great and sometimes a doze of reality is necessary.
Let's face it. Content creation alone doesn't give value to the Steem currency. It's new money coming in from investors and trading activity that makes a real world difference.
Are people still interested in investing in Steem and powering up? I don't know about you, but in a few secret crypto groups on FB with thousands of users I hardly ever see Steem getting mentioned without doing it first myself and the conversation doesnt go anywhere.
In private conversations, bigger investors continue to remain skeptical about the huge ninja-mined Steem worth hundreds of millions that Inc own and feel the platform is centralised in certain ways inspite of how it is marketed or portrayed.
We're closing in on a million signups but how many active users do we have today? Someone feel free to drop the current data in the comments below for an upvote.
6 meetups in 2 countries and hundred of users. Everyone I've interacted with recently is tired of waiting for new features. No one has an answer or knows anything better. The questions continue to pile up, and there aren't many answers.
Hardfork, communities and SMT are expected from several months and Steem/it isn't in the news as often as it could've been. In light of these things how many of our active users here feel compelled to regularly power up their earnings instead of cashing out?
Things have also changed a lot in the past 6 months. It's somewhat ironic: how the community looks down upon large scale self-voting by small or large stakeholders but has accepted large scale bid-bot use in the name of promotional services.

For most, delegation to such services and use of such services seems to be the way forward these days. Everyone is doing it so it must be okay, No?
It's a free market at work—is the winning argument.
Truth be told, there aren't many better ways to earn a decent return on your SP investment. Not everyone has the time, skill or patience to write content and wait around to make a few dollars on it. For a content producer: Payout on posts isn't guaranteed here, so if earning a regular income is important to you, what keeps you here?
Voters are limited in their ability to evenly distribute stake. Frankly, it's foolish to assume that it's anyone's job or moral responsibility here as stakeholders to distribute Steem evenly.
Stake gives you power. Power gives you influence and control. Why would anyone want that to be spread evenly?
There is no exact method and ergo its impossible, and exactly for these and other reasons most of the whales now probably prefer delegating to bid bots instead of curating as they did before or have done it already—assuming there were any reasons beyond profit.
But let's be honest. Delegating to bid bots is just so profitable!
It doesn't consume precious time that is often spent curating or appointing a curator and monitoring progress. You will probably make less than 0.5% of your total SP holdings per month as curation rewards from voting around manually. That's less than peanuts for most.
The incentive for curating good content is often very low for most small-stake manual voters. Most people will not want to look beyond themselves and their own sustainability. Why should they? People generally will reserve the little influence they have on the reward pool on their own posts and comments. Unless you a hold a stick threatening to flag them down if they do so.
But one can choose to delegate to bid bots and earn a profit without their activity being questioned.
Apparently this is great for the platform. But you are supposed to be able to decide what you can do with your SP right?
This is just the free market in motion.
But what about community building and supporting new users you ask?
Well, they can use a promotional bot if they can't find themselves a regular voter—seems to be the general sentiment now. It doesn't matter if a few work to onboard new users-investors, educate new prospective users and investors, support existing users, and bring people and communities together. As long as someone is doing it, footing the bill themselves, it's all good.
Some community builders lacking support around here are struggling to proceed with their initiatives. Eventually most will grind down to a halt without appropriate resources and support on the platform. Moral support only goes so far but does nothing to assist in the real world.
But how long are our actions sustainable?
Our cryptocurrency platform needs new users to sign up and use. It needs new investors to pump-in fresh money and buy into its tokens in order to increase demand for our favourite cryptocurrency. We need more community builders who can go out and bring new small, medium and large scale investors into the platform. Just building a platform with a bunch of features won't get everyone to use it.
How do you expect these new investors to behave when you onboard them?
How long before they change their mind and adopt practices to maximise profit over community growth and benefit?
How many mid-large size investors you've spoken to have shown interest in Steem but ultimately shied away from it?
How can these new big investors benefit from the platform other than delegating to bid bots, self-voting or delegating to their own projects? Most people wouldn't touch cryptocurrencies if they didn't offer good returns. That's the fact. Most community builders will give up eventually as big support continues to drop in favour of promotional services, this is bound to happen.
Do you think a change in the attitude of users and/or changes to the system itself will revive the positivity around here? Will that be enough?
As a community of users we have some real challenges ahead of us.
Writing content that drives some traffic isn't going to be enough. Or expecting someone to simply vote for you because you write a ton of "quality posts" isn't going to get you any money either! But we're here for profit no? You'd be naive to think if whales are altruists or for that matter anyone else here is!
If you are butthurt about not making enough $$$$, then go buy some Steem and power up. If you are butthurt about being flagged, just get some SP and use it! It's not that simple in either cases for the majority, but that's just how it is and will be whether we like it or not. Free Market fellas, remember that every time you log-in here! You have to work your arse off for it, and no one's working for your benefit. Keep this in mind and proceed.
Not everyone is going to be successful here. Just like in the real world nothing lasts forever. Some people make it where others fail. That's harsh, yet true!
We'll cross a million users and the developers have their work cut out for them.
People ask me in meetups (please email Inc instead of asking each other) why basic things like resteem separation isn't there (see Github PR) or why the reputation number continues to remain buggy on the wallet page sometimes? It does make one wonder about bigger updates such as HF20—originally proposed over 9 months ago and especially if investing into Steem cryptocurrency is going to be "worth it"—who knows?
Personally speaking, I'm just going with the flow of things. Observing the current situation and adapting to it.
You're an early adopter, you don't have a lot to lose! What about us new guys?—I get this a lot!
Maybe it's true, maybe it's not.
It's not all that bad though. When there's hope, there's a possibility that some good things might come your way. Hopefully, things will change for the better and we'll get the features we've been waiting for. I'd love to see how these new changes shapes up our community. I'm sure it will also improve the general sentiment and make it worthy for everyone HODLing their Steem to stay powered up and remain participative.
But, for the sake of discussion (that's all we can do really) where do you foresee things going in the months to come?
If you like my work kindly resteem it to your friends. You may also continue reading my recent posts which might interest you:
- Building A List Of Users From India—Please Fill This Form ASAP!
- Why You Should Vote For @firepower As Witness—Witness Campaign Post From India!
- India Steem Meetup #5—An AWESOME Meetup In Tezpur, Assam and 30+ Attended!
If I understood the graph well, there were 172,068 active users for this month. Here is the link for it.
I remember the time I came to Steemit. I was this much away from buying my own domain on wordpress to blog. To write my stories/poems or make the daily blogs that I want to, when I came across Steemit. It seemed perfect to me then as my main idea was to put the stories that I want to write out into the world and have people read them, considering the active users who might be on the site regularly seemed a great idea to me & the idea of getting paid through upvotes seemed liked an added advantage.
Thank you for the link to the stats! :)
Anytime Boss :)
You have put in words so many people's thoughts with this post my friend! Thanks for that!
Concerning community are again so right! I have been supporting the foodies community despite my low SP by organizing contest each week the past 8 months! Nearly all that I earn in my post are distributed as prizes to the steemit iron chef contest! I was thinking that I will be getting some more support with the big sp holders with time...but till now NOTHING!!!
Anyway I will keep on doing my best in supporting the max I can as I have full faith in the success of Steem/SBD soon!
When the prices were high, I am sure everyone have enjoyed a it is time to work hard and have patience!
I agree with you. But now the focus is pure profitability. High SBD prices brought forth these hidden feelings amongst everyone. Large investors saw it as a moment to try and recover their principal investments and exit. Many have gotten tired of waiting for improvements are powering down and selling. Few care for community builders and community oriented projects now. The situation is now vastly different to 2017.
We're gonna have to sit tight and wait it out as you said...
Personally I just tell myself Steemit is a system to allow people (including myself) to be heard. It allows freedom of speech. I just keep powering up and forget about making $, i haven't made any $ since getting into crypto and I don't care.
The moment, I can't post what I want about what I want I'll stop powering up and stop inviting friends and shoot me!
True just like everyone else I want Steem to be worth lots and I do believe SMT's at the right time could do the trick...until then just have fun and power up! then use that power to bring in friends by up-voting and encouraging and try to make the world a better place by sharing stuff with your fellow humans.
Thanks for the great posts firepower.
I agree with you. I've brought onboard tons of people and I continue to do so. I also think this place holds a bright future. But it also has several issues as with any other social media platform that needs to be resolved along the way.
It's do or die time for Steemit. Communities and SMTs should be finished and released. I'm sure the Steemit team is working hard on it, but the current momentum brings a little pressure.
That's not a winning argument at all. It's just @ned's argument. I heard him say this as an answer to a question at Steemfest2 in Lisbon (the question was much like your post here-above). My jaw dropped and I couldn't believe the CEO of Steemit does not care one bit about growing the community, focusing the reward system to incentivize quality and engagement, but would rather just focus maximalising investor returns.
As a community, we should simply do what we can. Act like we would want others to act. Help each other, foster a positive growing environment open to new members and rewarding quality. If it fails we will try again.
Probably on a different DPOS based blockchain.
However, if Steem survives this year, we might be looking at a $50 - $100 Steem valuation. That's not impossible, I think.
There main focus is SMT development.
In the future other social media platforms(quora,medium, Reddit etc) will launch their own smart media tokens and steemit will be just like any other social media platform.
Steam inc is trying to tokenize the web and they don't care if steemit fails@fitzgibbon steemit Inc is not concentrating there efforts to make steemit better busy is doing it for them.
Steemit is a proof of concept indeed. SMTs will certainly be a major focus area in the future.
Yes you are right steemit has been in beta for a long time now and Steemit Inc has been using all their resources to develop SMTs.
It's funny when people here say that steemit will over take all other social media platforms let's be honest the big companies have nothing to fear from a company which doesn't have a marketing department and their platform that has a very bad UX design.
You said it! But we're miles from doing this. Many of us have tried and are continuing to do our best.
Spending time on Steemit and other apps of Steem is actually a nice way of knowing how to be successful in real life.
You seem to have said something funny.
You seem to have said something of value.
You're probably being a dick.
At least people can use it to mend their personality and attitude to prepare themselves for real life scenarios!
I see a positive future for Steemit actually.
So far, with people getting annoyed by Youtube and jumping ship to Dtube, there seems to be a rise in popularity of Steem-based apps.
That's one thing I like about the apps, they provide actual value to the content being published.
Here, talent = talent.
No need to be a part of some weird "creator's group" etc. to avail the "benefits". If you're good at something and you get noticed, it's only going up from there.
That's the main thing I like about this whole cryptocurrency social network.
Good points all around.
btw how could I forget, the recent FB controversy adds to it! People are probably ready too leave FB now. Steemit could be a good alternative to it now.
True that.
I feel every word you are saying... And am sure everyone is doing the same thing.. Just going with the flow, holding on and hoping for the best.
Communities, SMT and HF20 better be game changers, else there is nothing to look forward to. Personally what keeps me here is the music communities and a chance to showcase my music to a larger audience. It still takes a lot of effort to get something noticed and to get someone to listen to a song or watch a music video we have spent a lot of effort making!Wow! This is the most honest post I've seen in a while. Kudos @firepower for this!
I sọ agree with you.. It's so tiring.. Especially for the new members
This is undeniably true.
Agree to all your points. I have spent precious hours of my life trying to assist users here and build up the community for Steemit and on Hence I'm sticking around and waiting to see where this goes. Giving it some more time to mature.
Correct. Since we have invested time here.. We can't just let go.
But sometimes, holding onto things can be harmful. But I believe Steem/it isn't there yet and still has a chance to rise to great heights.
Will be doing my part in spreading the word and posting regularly till then :)
Steemit is for sure a great project with a lot of community support but the community itself is now taking profits from Steemit and most of the good curators are now Delegation their steempower to bid bots and that makes it more difficult for new users to get upvotes because if they want upvote then they have to buy it and that's a really painful situation,
You know i believe in Steemit and it's bright future but it's also true that quality of our content doesn't matter without getting an upvote from a whale and their are a limited amount of whale available and many of them just Delegated their steempower to Bidbots for earning good returns,
So how can be this platform grow without a better curation system and if we have to buy upvotes for our Content then what is the meaning of spending time and hardwork for Creating a good content,
We have to do something for the platform and for others because the future of Steemit is in the hands of it's Community.
It's a question that can be answered by no one and everyone. It depends which side you're on and whom you want to pay attention to. ;)
Hahah that's right ;)
First things first:
Great to see you replying the older comments :D
Now considering the fact that Facebook has made people angry because of the latest CA fiasco. There will be people looking for an alternative.
And we have about 750000 accounts here on steemit but daily active ones are still less than 65000.
So as the user base grows the steem value will increase notion is wrong.
We need to support the newer accounts more to make them stay here and refer it to their friends and just like in mobile games few will buy steem to flunk the quality posts part to get the upper hand or come at equal SP as their friends.
I agree these aren't gonna do much for Steem value but only if you see it happening everywhere. Things will change and we probably will see higher values than ATH we have had.
SMT is coming and there will be an influx of money here. If promotions are done right during this time 2018 wil be a good year.
EX: Clash of clans did offer Gems for money. I played it for about two years and few of my friends bought Gems to come at my TH level buy buying some. Same could be thought for steemit and steem.
Feel free to correct me
Steemit is also bogged down by centralised development and low acceptance of PRs from non-Inc devs. That's a limitation in itself that will take some time to change. When that happens we'll see faster improvements here.
I read all the comments even when I travel but I find it extremely difficult to reply to everyone when im not at my desk. I like to focus on the present and if I'm travelling I keep my social media activity to the bare minimum. It's about prioritising on the most important tasks. Sometimes, responding to comments on the internet is not one of them, often it's impossible.
I know I read your previous post and you said you'd reply the pending comments. I said that because you did that pretty quickly :)
About low acceptance of PRs. You are doing pretty good job even if you don't consider yourself as a PR. But you've grown this community and helped people hold on too.
I am the Exhibit A.
Had you not given me the upvote on my 3rd post, I probably would have left hope as that was the best I could come up with that time.
That upvote helped me be motivated.
Same is required for newer members too, if they get appreciated for their efforts. They'd post more and most probably ask their friends to hop on the ride too.
We do need PR's from non-inc devs but can't wait for this now.
Independent one's who care about steemit need to work like you.
By PR i mean Pull-requests on Github. Not Public relations. Not sure if I got you correctly here.
Yes. But it's not easy. I use up a lot of my funds doing that but only because it has the potential to help people. Then there are trolls who want to disrupt India specific community building.
Money might truly come from SMT as many SMT's will come and they all need +5K Steem for bandwidth. That is the only reason price went up and back down as SMT might be for summer or later now.
I also converted to just delegation as it is indeed too easy and best profit, what to say?
My prediction is a big headrace between the advent of SMT and the advent of Steem 2.0 by @Dan on EOS and we have to face it, @Dan is the brain and he delivers!!!
I understand you're predicament. There's few options at this stage.
"not everyone is going to be succesful here. Just like in the real world nothing lasts forever. Some people make it where others fail. That's harsh, yet true." This line is so true!! regardless, we must work for it.
Work hard, we must! No choice there. :)
Soon it will pass - a month of my presence here ... it will be time to summarize soon - and what is now catching my eye is:
Any "shitty" - an article by a popular user - in terms of the transferred knowledge (values) - collects hundreds of dollars.
A unique article elaborated, suitable as a curiosity or an essay - (like for the newspaper) - collects several dozen .... cents.
We can talk about curating posts, but people are focused on money, not on creating value (of course, not everyone).
Has been the case from day 1 for most except for a few. But those few also give back to their community and the community at large in many ways. That gets overlooked sometimes by the greedier of the lot in the rat race to profit. This place is a reflection of how we live in the world.
Look - how is promoted steem and steemit - not as a community where you can read something important - as in a science magazine or other popular science magazines or event sites - that would create value -only a place where you can earn on commenting and publishing.
As the majority of the population - it is not very intelligent -you can not look, high-level articles or cut retorts.
And generally I do not mind such posts - oh no ... Let them be.
Just why are they in trending? Just because someone raised them for $ 100? or a colleague with a whale account - he raised it?
After a month spent here - and above all observations.
"Shit flows on top." - Literally.
Haha! It seems like it when I look at trending.
Rest of the people - finally started writing - what is wrong ... (ie they saw, but they did not decide to write about it earlier, - until something broke)
So... I take it as a good coin. Beginning the self-cleaning process - from pathology.
The Steem price went down and nobody is coming online anymore. Whenever I log in I feel that we are the same people online. I think they dont want to be active here due to the low payout.
But I am confident and believe that we will see the good days soon where Steem rises to 7$. So lets just hope for it.
Enjoy your weekend :)
These are bitter facts we've got to admit. Many users are looking out to themselves.. Aiming at earning bigger, not the growth of the platform. This is truly worrying and bringing it out in the light is the first step to change the direction things are taking.
Personally I believe the London cryptocurrency show which is around the corner is going to create much more awareness of steemit to numerous investors which is going to better the price of steem. And the motive of many users will change too after the show as we shall start seeing more users aiming at the growth of steemit.
I expect steem to exceed 8 this year.
until we have a global conversation about greed, nothing will change. on the crypto markets, in the real world and here on the steem blockchain -- we can give people advice, training, skills, positivity but people will always take the short cuts (not in all countries i admit) -- i hear your call thou.
as my first blockchain, social at that, i feel like i've learned a lot and it's a similar feeling for when i first got on twitter, i've got a bunch of people i like and respect here and that's what keeps me engaged and while i do power down i always try and put in and write, share tutorials and empower people to develop skills (myself included)
Same thoughts here. I have made some real friends here and I come back to see their work and other interesting people I whose work I stumble upon. We all have to do our bit to take this place to the next level.
yeah, maybe we need to be mapping out what the next level looks like? maybe i need to do a video this week on some things that would elevate the platform, i know we need a dedicated 'media' team that's putting out regular information on the platform instead of what we have now because it's not a universal effort.
@firepower: I totally understand your sentiment. It is disheartening for whales like yourself because of the massive plunge in steem values. What you are saying only echoes the general sentiment in the market. All members in Facebook groups and whats app groups are quite down. Their morale is at the lowest. But look at this way: Steemit was only launched in 2016. There's a complete community feel here.
Facebook is shaken with the recent episodes. The entire media sector is shaken with what's going on in the advertising space. What steemians are going through is only a reflection of the general sluggishness in the media sector and the crypto market space.
We've time and again read stories on how institutional investors haven't touched Crypto investments yet. The money that has come in is mainly from mums and dads and a lot of youth. It's still in very early stages.
Also, if you look at what's happening in the media sector and how fragile Facebook's model is currently, Steemit has a promising future. I'm not saying it will only be Steemit in the future. IT can be Sapien too. It can be a whole lot of other players.
Facebook may launch it's own vertical on blockchain. We don't know. All I'm confident is about how we wont go back from here. And everything we learn here will equip us to handle the media landscape better in the future. So hold on tight and keep doing what you are doing...and yes, look out for Sapien too!! :)
I've heard that FB is investing time and resources into Blockchain technology, but this seems to be the case with most big players. But given their recent issues there's certainly a lot of scope for people to move on to other forms of social media. It would be interesting to see how things proceed if FB moves to blockchain and if they come up with a cryptocurrency-unlikely to happen but anything is possible these days.
I hope they have their own vertical on blockchain. Facebook can maintain their hegemony on content around family and friends. Rest should drop off from it. So if you want to know what your mum is cooking for her sisters back in India, you log onto facebook and check it out. it should be just that but it's a strong space to be in! :) Let's wait and watch
You have discussed some hard hitting facts . The scenario isn’t rosy, with prices going down, people going on panic mode. It is becoming more of game of bots rather than (genuine) content writing.
That is 1000% sure BUT
Facts are facts. There are almost 1.000.000 users on this platform. I don’t know what the goal was when it was first designed but that number is pretty low. Steemit has potential. Because of the technology it is based on.
From this 1 mill users I believe 1-2% are the real whales. All the rest are trying hard to rise. And when i say rise i mean financially. I won’t pretend to be a saint. I want to grow and anyone whi says the opposite is probably lying.
There are curated programs and people who do their best by upvoting undervalued post.
What if every whale or even ‘dolphin’ was contributing a little bit more on that field?
The result would be super happy minnows who don’t quit but instead...spreading the word everywhere.
And that would bring in more and more people which would grow the platform tremendously as a result to a rise of steem too
Great write up @firepower, you really pointed out the reality checks. I'm an early adopter of steemit, I joined steemit last year when Steem price was below $1 and this is probably why I don't really see a big deal with the current price.
Your article is like listening to my own thoughts! Following you now.
You nailed it...when are the killer features coming? We need Reddit style Groups!
Also, the biggest missing link is a killer mobile app. Most Internet access is through mobile now.
Honestly speaking @firepower this post will change the thinking of many users. Resteem it after reading full post.
Still struggling with how stuff works...Wish I was there at the meetup in Bangalore. My take away from your post...Roger!
If you are butthurt about not making enough $$$$, then go buy some Steem and power up. If you are butthurt about being flagged, just get some SP and use it! It's not that simple in either cases for the majority, but that's just how it is and will be whether we like it or not. Free Market fellas, remember that every time you log-in here! You have to work your arse off for it, and no one's working for your benefit. Keep this in mind and proceed.
I like Steem but Dan found out couple years ago that the steem was centralized only to less than 100 people. Sometimes starting over is way easier than fixing the issues. Who knows 🤷🏼♂️
We'll just have to wait see what Dan has in store. Whatever his vision it will need a lot of work for sure.
In fact I was astonished to watch the interview of dan..So EOS would be something that would make steemit irrelevant in future?
Since it is a beta project, it is always hard to say what will turn out. Like how you put it, free market will always prevail and I personally think this is true. Who have the most asset always gets the final say. Thus, if we wanna be the big player, we have to invest. This is the game designed by @ned afterall, and we willingly believe and join the game. His intention on reassuring the profit for the investors may play as a stabilizer for Steem too. Without the investors’ capital holding up, I don’t think Steem will go anywhere. Similar to any other coins.
I would definitely hope Steemit can evolve to a better version after SMT. Been hearing that since last year but yet to happen. Hopefully, we all can benefit through this platform (investors included).
I understand more about the inner mechanism after reading this. Thanks @firepower ;)
I believe that it will be around 10 dollars max if crypto market goes up, because for more than that you don't get enough voting power in dollar terms. You didn't tell us what is your prediction for Steem?
How is that? Would not the voting power also increase in correlation to the increased value of Steem?
Vote value will go up with increase in price. VP will remain the same but lower weights will achieve greater post values when this happens.
I'm not good at predictions. I prefer to assess based on what I can see and hence was out looking for opinions and sentiments from users here.
Vote value will go up only if SBD follow rise of Steem price. This was the case usually but if SBD becomes pegged with 1 USD then it will be different.
Are steem holders currently collecting any interest for their holdings? I remember it was oddly 14% an year ago. If that continues then eliminating bots would be a good option. Bots by far give you 18% interest which is quite close.
Seriously the falling down of steem price is discouraging
The price of steem may be low now. But believe me it's just a matter of time. Greater moment ahead. Steem is going high soon. It gonna end in praise. Thanks for this insight @firepower
Very welcome. Thank you for stopping by. :)
With the current situation I hakin will slump. we hope that the holders of the control actually work to keep this platform forward.
One thing is for sure🤓
When MARK ZUCKERBERG (FACEBOOK) brings his own COIN to the crypto market or does a PARTNERSHIP with one that already EXISTS😱 STEEMIT will DIE‼️
5 $
steemit is btc based and is following its price - with percentage. No one knows what will future bring, but I know that cryptos always show, what will happen with stocks in the coming weeks
currently, no one can predict what the future holds for the blockchain steemit and that is because its btc based just like @worldfinances said and also have noticed, that some of the big guns are powering down which is not very good for the community. I can't really say for sure what 2018 hold for steemit but I will love to see ''TO THE MOON'' come to pass. we are all in these together
As an hodler of a few tokens, Amen!
I am cautiously optimistic about it. If it all does collapse, it will be thanks to human greed. Like most things in this world!
True that!
I think it will continue in as is, as whales may leave others will rise. The price is irrelevant if you got in for nothing and built or if you bought in below $1.00 (never mind $.07). What I know is my time investment here brought me six figures last year... I’m still a Minnow but I will be staying.
PS by year end as the price rises again everyone will forget this slump and euphoria will once again grace the pages.
Even if the sbd goes down I would probably still be here, I'm a student and it's like a part time job to me although it's hard to earn here since most people only upvotes those with high reputation. Success is hard work. If after all my hard works I will still not succeed then maybe it's not for me. I will move on.
It is reality. No one give you a penny unless they get some benefits from you. Last man in a que will win at last. We have to patient and make our contents more valuable. So that some big advertising company used our contents for promotion of their products.
Till then buying steem power is only the options.
Definitely things aren't looking good. Don't even expect to improve in a month or so.
I never cash out steem or SBD. I reinvested. But steem has been other Cryptos did.
Unfortunately steem has a habit to fall when my posts cross a dollar. Just once did my post cross 1$ and steem isn't doing well. Same happened to my intro post too. It fell from 32 to 23.
That's some really deep post here..which sums a lot of people's thoughts but who choose to not tell them on here..I really appreciate that you've written about this, personally I found myself into these words I've read..
The model is here to stay however what makes a serious concern right now is the participation levels. The number of active users are way too low when compared to registrations.
One thing we can do is reach out to those new posts and introduce yourself tags and motivate new ones here.
Most of the signup numbers are bots and mined accounts from the early days. Bots and name squatting are likely to be in the hundreds of thousands unfortunately.
No way to control them? I realized I crossed a 400 follower mark but it was disappointing to see 60% of them not active for more than 21 days.
I was just thinking the same. Today, I expressed my thoughts in my post. I tried to touch some dark spots which are hurting this amazing platform. Some big names are sucking up the most profit out of the reward pool without contributing anything to this community while others are struggling to survive here, in spite of writing quality articles. In my article, I suggested some remedies to change this situation. I'll be thankful to you if you could find some time to see my post. Thank you.
Thanks for your reply. I left a response on your thread.
बहुत बहुत धन्यवाद।
I’m guessing that the future of Steemit is not Steemit itself. Instead, DTube and other projects will lead the way.
Hi firepower, how are you doing? you guys are our inspiration and guide. We want to go with your way what ever it may be. I am always with you though I am a small fish. In this time of high risk, we should stay strong and positive so that we can enjoy the bright colors in near future. As we all have faith that our future will be very bright and beautiful. Wish you a very beautiful and healthy time ahead.
Supporting new users.
Supporting Good Content
New Investors.
These areas are pretty dormant and unaddressed.
The visual yardstick of growth and progress on the platform, I feel should be a little faster. And more definite. If for months your are stuck on the same SP then it can get demotivating.
If your good content is lost after a few hours because you are a new user, then it is very demotivating .
If new investors do not enter, the platform suffers.
I do not use bots. Hence cannot say anything. I am at the mercy of you guys ! :D
Another thing - I feel that the Resteem timeline should be separate from the Personal timeline. This will allow more resteems to take place more freely, helping new users and good content tremendously by getting it back into circulation much more freely and spontaneously .
Your article is very good, @firepower . It raises very relevant questions.
Support -Grow- Gain....we need to move to basic again..Resteeming it for bringing up some hard and honest truth, @firepower agree that the sudden spike in sbd change the real motto of steemit, many have anough profits to make their way out...still to sustain the lively platform many of us need to focus again on community building and bringing back the user trust which further strengthen the user base.
steem prize now low i am also tens about this matter.but i like so much this site for work.Many people are here.They all are work here. Although the prize are alow..i like this matter so much...
As long as you, the spammer, liar, and thief, stays at Steem as a witness, STEEM won't have future.
Eat a flag and die you worthless piece of shit. There's no future for butthurts like you. Learn to accept that!
Calm down spammer. I won't die because of your useless downvotes. Enjoy
Calm your tits down and learn to mind your own fucking business first. I'm not going anywhere myself or stop flagging you just because you and your cronies keeping crying over your butthurt to anyone on this platform. What a loser! Lol!
Save your energy my friend. Steem is nothing for me. Not like you, I don't need Steem to put the food on the table.
Do not threat me with flags. You know you are just a doubchebag and a sonofabitch. You know it.
You keep crying to the entire fucking platform for attention like a little bitch that you are slandering me as if that's going to win you an award of somekind. Award for butthurt from the association of Steemit butthurts perhaps. You're hilarious! Get over yourself! I bet your family thinks that you are a good for nothing moron. Since you have zero accomplishments and nothing worthwhile to do in your life you have time to hate on other people here. Typical of all internet trolls! Fucking douchebag attentionwhore. What a loser! LOL!
Why don't you do this platform a favour and disappear? In the long time you've been here, your contribution is NIL and you have nothing to offer to anyone that adds value to this entire place. You are a termite that Steemit can do without, so insignificant that no one will remember you if you stop posting.
Oh really? Doesn't seem like it! Given the number of cronies you are begging to cover for you to get me to stop flagging you I see that you are desperate. It's hilarious and I pity you. Go find a real job that puts some real food on that table. I'm sure your family will appreciate that a lot more than you hating someone who's full time job is to assist the community. Oh wait, you have no brains and zero rationale behind your actions! You're some anonymous keyboard warrior hiding behind your momma's skirt and begging around for support. LOL! Chutiya!
So yeah, keep shitposting and eating flags. That's all you're ever going to get on Steemit. My life is going great and it will continue to get even better with or without your daily bullshit. :)
You can take your threats and your blackmail and shove it up your arse!
Hi, spammer, do not write more than 3 lines. I have no interested to read your shit.
I don't understand what are you afraid of. You got paid for licking the balls. Just admit you are a bitch and a spammer. That's ok. Be brave.
very cool this! :D