Church is church. The mainstream scientific community can cry "scientific method" all they want, repetition and emphasis do not a rational argument make. No amount of enabling self-talk will change the fact that, for the most part, these are devotees of a navel gazing god, whose interest in a genuine search for truth has largely been devoured and destroyed by an obsession with authority (in the form of textbooks and professors), with money (in the form of grants and subsidies, usually from interests that expect a certain result from the research in return for their troubles), and with reputation (in the form of the adoration and respect of the plebeian masses, and the position of "expert" in whatever branch of "science" they happen to have been indoctrinated into).
A very similar critique can be made when it comes to hyper-credulous conspiracists: ulterior motives have pretty much obliterated any genuine desire to discover reality, let alone engage in open-minded debate.
Extremes seem to be the name of the game these days, @kyriacos. It's a form of mass insanity, and it's frightening to those of us who are still capable of rational thought, genuine insight, and deep feeling.