So thought i'd submit a little something about my past.

in #circus8 years ago (edited)

So as the title suggests, i thought i'd tell you guys a little something about my past, few of my friends think it would be an amusing story.

Back when i was younger, probably about 8 or so, they used to have a summer programme in my local community centre. This one particular year i remember was a new and exciting one for me. They have people come in and do some activities with us, but some of those activities you'd probably only see in a circus. So i walked into the main room that one particular year, and there was a Unicycle a few sticks and a few bowling pins up against the far wall. I had no idea what these were for at the time but the reason for those became clear rather quickly..

You see the activities that they had planned for this year was basically teaching us how to be in a circus. At first, liking bikes, i thought i'd have a go at the unicycle, and i have to admit, i learnt how to ride this before even riding a bike, so i found it rather easy. However i think success got the better of me, because pretty soon they were asking me to try and use the Unicycle, on a steel cable fixed inside a square..

They wanted me to use this newly acquired skill to ride across the cable, which was about 2 foot above the ground. Safe to say it didn't end well. However that wasn't the only activity that they had there. If you remember at the beginning of this story i had told you about a few sticks that i had seen against the back wall. Well apparently these were there for a reason, to spin plates. Now i don't know if you see this very often in circus's where you place the stick in the ground and see how many plates you can keep going at once, or see if you can balance as many sticks at once with the plates spinning. Well i had no trouble getting 4 - 5 plates spinning at once, however the real challenge came about when they asked me to try combining the 2 skills together.

Now this is where it gets a little bit comical, so me being 8, i thought i could do anything, so they got the plates spinning for me, and i got myself ready on the Unicycle, and i started off ok... however it didn't last long. I soon realised that quick changes on a single wheel while balancing not only myself by 3 sticks with plates on them was not easy, pretty soon before i realised it i was right next to the open door. Next thing i know i've hit part of the door itself, which means i'm losing control wheeling my around the corridor trying to stop myself from falling, when i realise that the plates themselves have fallen off the sticks. Problem is the sticks have a blunted point on the end of them to help keep the plates balance. So there i am basically looking like a lunatic in the corridor with these 3 sticks, when i end up falling forward. First stick ends up through a window in the reception area, the second stick just falls harmlessy to the floor. The third however, i still have no idea to this day how the hell it managed to happen, but the third stick managed to get itself lodged into the wall about 2 inches away from the Centre Managers face.

He must have thought i was trying to use him as javelin practice, safe to say he went white as a sheet. So there's me brushing myself off and getting up from falling off, the manager is switching his gaze from myself, to the stick and back again with utter confusion and fear on his face, as if he still hadn't realised what had happened. The strangest part of this story though, is that although i found out the next day i was banned for a week, on that day itself, i swear he hid from me. Normally you would see him all the time, in the office or in the centre somewhere, but that one day, he disappeared.

I still think to this day he believes i was trying to kill him for some reason, and i never did learn to juggle...
