The Daily Meme #242!

in #citizenship3 years ago

Whenever we try to force our rules onto others we get labeled 'criminals'.
People in Saturnalia robes pass judgement upon us.
Uniformed people take us away, 'Just following orders.'.
It's just how things have always been, they say.

Well, that isn't true.

Not always did the biggest bully on the block have enough support in the community to get away with what they are currently doing.

In some places the cops have to travel in heavily armed packs because the population knows the police are not their friends.

You can't tell that by the programming on the flashylight box.
'Crime dramas' rule the airwaves, and streaming services.

Just as Perry Mason gave a twisted view of what happens in a courtroom, so too do these hero cop shows twist the reality around us.

Most just accept it as how things really are.
Art imitating life.

It's no wonder the victims of police brutality are burning cop cars in the streets, they don't live in a flashylight box protected bubble.
Protected by a misconception of the reality around them.

You probably shouldn't, either.

Rule by force is on its way out, the age of Aquarius is here.
Pieces and punitive cultures will pass away to live only in museums to the carnage.

Let me give you a clue.

Citizenship is a duty of allegiance in return for a duty to protect.
You support the gov't because the gov't has a responsibility to keep you safe.

Do you see the cops protecting you?
Can you sue the fire department because they didn't get there in time to save your house?
Here a federal court confirms older rulings.

Open your eyes, dear reader, you likely live in a false reality.
Things you think are true, are not, and vice versa.


We are having a membership drive in these discords, tell your friends.
If you want a voice in the consensus join them, and be one.

Your meme outpost hq.MemeHive:

Exercise your duty to mitigate abuse.HiveDownvoteRewards:

Appeal blacklist flags here.Hivewatchers:

Get your flag reviewed for redemption.FreezePeach:

You know, what they sold us on to get us here.Proof of Brain:

Newb friendly chat.The Terminal:

Well informed newb friendly chat.Hive-Coffee:

Central focal point of much of the hive.Hive Official:

Building the holodeck in 3d

Alternatives to the groupthinc.The Pulse:

When your day just doesn't have enough Klye in it.Klye's server:

These are public rooms managed by private people for the benefit of everybody using this blockchain.
What they do is voluntary, but openly public.
Don't abuse their willingness to work for the collective for what little we give them, eh?
Without them, none of this exists.

When you go through these rooms catching up on 'the community', be sure to look for the detective, and add your detective, too!



Saturnalia, isn't that the festival that "The Purge" is based upon?

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We are more informed than we've ever been. All it takes is 10% of the population to scream loud enough to change. Are you American?

Are you American?

Well, there is plenty of evidence that no such thing exists.
I am in the geographic area that refers to, though.

I think we are approaching the tipping point.
Plenty of people are mad about what is being done in their names.

I see and hear the frustration and dissent more and more on a daily basis.It makes me happy to see so many people waking up.
I know that there will be growing pains, but I think that we have an amazing opportunity presented to us, and I think we have the ability to achieve freedom.

We are winning.
Freedom is our's for the taking.
Much better than when I signed up in '85.

The biggest issue I have is giving people information to prove that they're better off governing themselves than trusting lying thieving murderers to govern them

Yeah, the silent and baby boomer generations have really bent over for the criminals attracted to gov't power.

It will be up to us to change that.

Rule by force is on its way out, the age of Aquarius is here.

DPoS with down voting, is rule by force.

Ergo .....DPoS is on it's way out...?

(and I'm an Aquarian!)

I'll be posting on blurt more now, I don't need this toxic BS.

Yeah, I don't like you getting downvoted, either, but I don't know how to get over the impasse.
Dpos may be the best we can do, at this point.
It still leaves in place power disparities, though less stark.

I recommend the rejection of money in toto, but I think you would agree that that is unlikely in the current mind controlled paradigm.
Even you yourself wouldn't advocate that, though it does seem a solution.

Rather than measure our worth in bits of paper, metal, or digits on a screen, we should, perhaps, measure folks on their deportment and most current contributions.
Not to discount prior contributions, but how long folks can ride on old good deeds is open to discussion, imo.

Instead of biting the fingers of the hands that can help you, you might try providing specific changes you would like to see to the code?
Were you to provide a working model, I have no doubt that your upvotes will exceed any downvotes you might get for harping on the dead horse.

Were you to provide a working model, I have no doubt that your upvotes will exceed any downvotes you might get for harping on the dead horse.

I appreciate the optimism - but it's not well founded.

Because the system is working perfectly! - for 'them'. (short sighted, dumb, and greedy, yes - but working perfectly).

Do you think the big accounts would upvote for a system that gives them less power and control?
(would you like some beach front property in Wyoming that I have to sell? lol)

Power never relinquishes itself - you know that.

Seeing as you know just about everything (that was humor, but it didn't come across like that - soz).....can you tell me - who has to sign off for DAO proposals? Is it a witness multi sig thingy? - or other named accounts?...I'm sure the info is out there, but you probably know, without me spending time finding out!

Cheers matey.

(blurt may not be perfect - i have no idea- but it IS a step in the right direction)

Do you think the big accounts would upvote for a system that gives them less power and control?

I think they already have.
You know as well as I that this conversation would have gotten us both flagged to oblivion prior to the fork to hive.

Because the system is working perfectly! - for 'them'.

Seems to be doing ok by me.
If the dumpers would wait to dump until the price was higher, that would be nice, but otherwise the chain is chugging along doing its thing.

Power never relinquishes itself - you know that.

If the largest accounts voted their total weight none of us would be getting rewards, so again, the largest accounts do show restraint.

who has to sign off for DAO proposals?

I'm sure the largest accounts would be enough, but 'the community' gets to vote, too.
So, once the threshold of support is passed, the dao pays out.

(blurt may not be perfect - i have no idea- but it IS a step in the right direction)

Good luck.
If making it here was too easy it wouldn't be cool.

I'm sure the largest accounts would be enough, but 'the community' gets to vote, too.
So, once the threshold of support is passed, the dao pays out.

Oh, for sure - That system doesn't allow for 'double dipping '(d/voting is double dipping, btw, just behind a veneer of 'muh reasons' - the math stays the same - redistribution into the rewards pool, where the bigger accounts get a proportion of the d/v)

...But who has to sign off ?.... to transfer the tokens to the relevant accounts?

But who has to sign off ?

It is a blockchain function, so, the witnesses sign the blocks, the code does the math.

I agree that giving the downvotes to the pool is giving that value to the biggest accounts that get paid from the pool.
I'd rather see them burned, or escrowed for some community supported endeavors.
I'll have to ask for that in the lead up to the next fork.

Asking for that, is like asking for the avaricious to please not be avaricious.

alt left (block trades probably) , azi, smooth - shows you an ideological bent to where the rewards are being returned from.

Which is very cool.
They're too stupid or full of hubris (same thing), to understand that the zeitgeist is changing (if they know what that word actually means).

And once it gets underway - this kind of attitude towards those who do not follow the 'establishment line' will be left high and dry - and poor. The token price will reflect this - and some very useful idiots on this platform right now - will get seriously burnt.
(I actually feel a bit sorry for them - only a bit though

Czechia (czech republic), just ousted all communist party members from it parliament - for the first time ever since 'the soviet invasion'.
The zeitgeist is changing...

DPoS - in it's current authoritarian form - will be wiped out.

To paraphrase the lefty fave line of the day...
'Yeah there will be consequences for my actions - just not ones you're gonna like'

If the largest accounts voted their total weight none of us would be getting rewards, so again, the largest accounts do show restraint.

They're already doing this (let's not be naive about 'sock accounts' and those who are in the sycophancy club).

The rest of 'rewards' is for PR purposes - optics to show a working platform.

The power centers have not, and will not, change.- the system allows for this to be so - and so it will be.

If the largest accounts voted their total weight none of us would be getting rewards, so again, the largest accounts do show restraint.

I'm not into servitude. Feudalism is an old fashioned power structure.

My experience there, so far, is that the people are really friendly. No downvotes might be part of the reason.

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I've only posted there this last week - but yes - the vibe is much more just needs to grow some more...I'm getting on board with it.
The toxicity of this place is rancid.

It's weird - my psychological space shifts - just like that - when I'm on blurt.(back to what it was before all this current hive shite- what does that tell you?)

I'll be writing fun shite again, and not cutting/dark humor soon, at this rate!

Imagine if everyone just transferred their hive over to wouldn't that be something?

Maybe the genuine people on hive, need to give the large stakeholders exactly what they want ...All the hive.
They can do a 'circle cry', as the token price implodes (or they go broke buying back the token to keep the price afloat).

Downovting creates negativity - and the only people that like seeing that, are those with dark, evil souls.
(most probably soul-less, but the jury's still out on that