In my humble opinion (not like anyone asked, lol) is the first one. Once I get another backup camera I'll take the plunge and convert it for infrared photography.
It'll give me another reason to get outside and shoot - which can be the hardest part of photography - actually getting outside!
Thanks again Julian for running this contest. It's tons of fun!
That made me laugh great comment ! Think I will follow you
Lol - thanks - I'm glad I was able to put a smile on your face!
Yes, just go and shoot! Less talks :D Hah
How pricey is the ir conversion in your neck of the woods? And are you thinking of plunging in full frame?
Ballpark estimate around $300 usd.
And in the immortal words of Balki Bartokomous - of course I'm already shooting full frame - don't be ridiculous. 🤑
Hopefully the Balki reference wasn't too washed as I just turned 40 last year!
Thanks for your prompt reply!
Hehe, to me this Balki reference was quite fresh as I had to google him and realised I probably haven't seen the show (at least by glance he or the show were not familiar).
Maybe I'll try my luck and try to find an episode or two - for educational purposes, of course!
Have an excellent weekend!
kindest regards,
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Lol. It was a hit show perhaps on the early 90's for 8 years.
Most kids don't know what a floppy disk is!
We are all getting old - lol.
Recently I had to explain my friend's kid what a dvd is. At first I thought she was being a sarcasm overlord but then I realised they don't even have a player..
I knew I was getting old when around 15 years ago I went to the Smithsonian Museum in Washington DC and I saw a toy there from my childhood.
It's all downhill from here!