
How long this crazyiness gonna last

not very, I don't anticipate getting in on this one.

If you want to feel a little better, im at 11,000 spot -.-

I don't really think why all the new app creators speak so much about this "distributed" and "collaborative" New Economy... But at the end the vast majority of offerings doesn't offer a true decentralized distribution of the assets.

I totally understand that whales want a bigger cake, hey, they've earned it. But is too much to ask for a little for everyone?

This will ensure the success of the project. We will see what Vinny has up on his sleeve, i really like the guy and i know one of his strong points is to develope value down the line.

I was able to purchase $500 package. Waiting for final confirmation. Good luck, hope you're able to score some.

@renovatio were you able to get some Civic?