One of my frustrations with the #classical-music voting is when I come across a work that I haven't heard and really enjoy, but have to listen to it in segments while I continue to go through the remaining posts. This Zelenka piece is an example. Thanks for introducing me to it. Hopefully I'll eventually get a chance to listen to it without interruption some time.
Ha... that's a nice problem to have! The particular mass that I embedded is much more than the single Credo that I featured, so make sure to collect it all! Zelenka is one of those lesser known composers from the Baroque era... strange harmonies, and some fiendishly difficult writing. He is better known to Czech audiences and double reed players (he wrote a lot of chamber music for them!).
I'll have a nice post with some great music by Buxtehude going up some time this week. Just editing it, and will probably put it up in the middle of the week.