Hello @primalamusica. Browsing through your blog I've remembered that you must be partitura, right? In case you are (I hope so), nice to see you. Nice piece and I'm glad I bumped into your post as I love the organ.
I see you sometimes are posting in music communities, other times you post on your blog. I think your post would be better in a community and we have several of them, like Hive Open Mic, Music and Musicforlife, which you already know :)
Anyway, nice to see you again and I'm glad I have found you as your music is important :)
Yes, my account once was partitura. I decided to continue after my previous account was hacked, but it's still a sore spot.
I know I should post in communities more. But I often forget to select one...
Don't give up as there are not many with this type of content.
Good luck!