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RE: Composer of the week #9 (Katchaturian, Schumann and Nielsen) (SBD Share)

in #classical-music7 years ago

My story with Stravinsky and "la sacre du printemps".

A young girl played in the music band, and I, from that one flirted with the Zeppelin and the Floyd and things like that, I asked her to recommend me a classic piece to start learning something.
She suggested me "A consagración da Primavera", de Stravinsky.

The truth that I need some time to understand the work: I did not find the rhythm, the thread, it seems to me to change all the time of rhythms ... I do not know ... something impossible the beginning ... so hard...
Today I have it as one of my favorite works.
Ps: this video has a broken in the initial minutes ...


Thanks for the submission! It will be in the next composer of the week!

XD !! Itś no all !!!