Classified France '44: DLC Summary

in #classifiedfrance44last month (edited)


  1. Introduction
  2. Resistance Kit
  3. Guerrilla Pack
  4. Agent Pack
  5. Talon Pack
  6. Devils Pack

This article was written under Classified France '44 Game Build: 2321, P4Stream: Patch103, Change: 50005, Built: 14/05/2024 11:50:12

I am happy to make any corrections if more accurate information is discovered. If you have any comments, you can either post here or e-mail me at: [email protected]

All of the screenshots in this post were taken by me.



In some games, DLC's mainly add cosmetic items which offer different visual appearance options but do not provide an in-game benefit. This is not the case of Classified France '44 since the introduced items do offer in-game advantages.

In some games, DLC's introduce new items that are simply added to the pool of items you can randomly discover. That is not the case here since you start with the DLC items in any new campaign (existing campaigns will also gain the new DLC items).

Thus Classified France '44 falls into the category of games where DLC's provide a head-start. Some players like this because it makes the game easier. Even experienced players who have already finished Classified France might appreciate a jump start so they can avoid the early grind in future playthroughs. However, some players don't like this type of developer approach because it is viewed as "pay-to-win" and it encourages developers to keep pumping out overpowered DLC's in order to generate revenue.

Having played Classified France with the various DLC's, I will say that the DLC equipment provides a decent (but not major) bump. It does kind of remind me of how XCOM 2's War of the Chosen made the early game easier because you could get access to some really strong weapons early on.

In any case, this guide is intended to provide more details on what you actually get from each of the various DLC's for Classified France '44. There are screenshots and stats for each of the various pieces of DLC equipment along with an assessment of whether or not they are particularly useful.

One other thing to note is that the "Season Pass" includes 4 of the DLC (Guerrilla Pack, Agent Pack, Talon Pack, and Devils Pack). The Season Pass does NOT include the Resistance Kit, which needs to be bought separately. Each of the 4 DLC from the Season Pass offers:

  • One new map (though most of the maps are NOT available via the Mission Creator and can only be played through one specific Special Ops mission)
  • Two new Special Ops missions
  • Two new weapons that you start the game with
  • One set of clothing (head + chest + legs) that you start the game with

In contrast, the Resistance Pack comes with three new weapons and one set of clothing (head + chest + legs) that you start the game with. It does not come with any new maps or Special Ops missions.

The remaining sections of this guide will reference the various playable characters from Classified France '44. If you want a refresher on the available characters, then please read: Classified France '44: Character Guide


Released on March 5th, 2024 and NOT included in the Season Pass, the Resistance Kit officially contains:

“Shadow” pattern weapons pack:
M1 Carbine “Shadow”
Lee Enfield “Shadow”
Trench Gun “Shadow”

“Ghost” pattern resistance clothing:
Resistance Hat “Ghost”
Resistance Jacket “Ghost”
Resistance Trousers “Ghost”

TLDR: This is the only DLC that provides a better primary weapon for Leaders. It is also the only DLC that provides a three-piece set of clothing for a French Male character. The other two weapons (for Marksman and Support) are weaker than the options offered by other DLC.

Carbine Shadow.jpg

This is currently the only DLC primary weapon available to Leaders. The M1 Carbine "Shadow" is a nice upgrade over the default M1 Carbine by providing an additional +5% accuracy and a 50% chance of inflicting the Marked status on enemies (Marked enemies automatically take critical damage from attacks).

Enfield Shadow.jpg

Compared to the base Enfield No.4, the "Shadow" variant offers 1 point of armor piercing and a 50% chance of inflicting Disoriented on enemies (Disoriented enemies get -50% accuracy on attacks). However, the green-level Mosin-Nagant from the Talon pack is a much better gun that easily eclipses the "Shadow" alternative.

Trench Gun Shadow.jpg

Compared to the normal 1897 Trench Gun, the "Shadow" variant has a 50% chance of inflicting Bleeding (Bleeding enemies take 1 damage at the start of their turns). This is on par with the Talon Pack's Trench Gun "Bear" which instead gives 1 point of Armor Piercing. Both of these variants are weaker than the green-level Winchester 1912 from the Agent Pack which is the best starting gun for your Support character.

Ghost Cap.jpg

Ghost Shirt.jpg

Ghost Trousers.jpg

These are currently the only DLC clothing for French Male characters.

The three pieces of Ghost clothing provide +6% Cover Bonus, -1 Aimed Fire Cost, and +4% Dodge for one of your French Male characters. The cover and dodge bonuses are minor but aimed fire cost reduction is always strong for characters who can use it.

Only Charles (Marksman), Jacob (Leader), and Sami (Heavy) will benefit from the -1 Aimed Fire Cost from the "Ghost" Shirt since Henri (Support) and Moussa (Scout) only use hip fire weapons.


Released on March 5th, 2024, the Guerrilla Pack includes:

New Map – “Church”
Two new Special Ops missions:
• Tomb Raiders
• Time to Kill
Two new weapon variants
• Bren “Ambush”
• Thompson “Boa”
New Clothing Set
• Female Resistance “Guerrilla”

TLDR: This is the only DLC that provides a better primary weapon for Scouts. It provides a set of strong blue-level clothing for French Female characters which is better than the set of clothing offered by the Agent Pack. The other weapon (for Heavies) is weaker than the options offered by other DLC. For modders, this seems to be the only DLC that offers a new map that can be used in the Mission Creator. It also offers 2 new Special Ops scenarios for those who like unique standalone challenges.

Churchyard Map.jpg

I am guessing that the "Church" map refers to the "Churchyard" map, though it is also possible that there might be two different church-related maps.

Tomb Raiders 1.jpg

Tomb Raiders 2.jpg

Time to Kill 1.jpg

Time to Kill 2.jpg

These are the two Special Ops scenarios.

Bren Ambush.jpg

Compared to the normal Bren Mk.2 that Heavies start with, the Bren "Ambush" has a 50% chance of inflicting the Expose status on enemies (Expose reduces an enemy's cover bonus by up to 30%). However, the stronger weapon choice for Heavies is the green-level Bar "Flank" from the Devils Pack.

Thompson Boa.jpg

This is currently the only DLC primary weapon available to Scouts. Compared to the normal Thompson that Scouts use as their primary weapon, the Thompson Boa has a 50% chance to inflict the Demoralise status on enemies (Demoralised units take +100% morale damage).

Guerilla Hat.jpg

Guerilla Sweater.jpg

Guerilla Trousers.jpg

For the American Males, British Males, and French Males, any of the default clothing with infinite quantity are purely cosmetic and do not offer any in-game bonuses. Interestingly enough, the French Female clothing that are infinite in quantity do provide bonuses - the Beret provides +4% Accuracy, the Headscarf has +4% Cover Bonus, the Jacket provides +1 health, the Basic Blouse provides +4 Maximum Morale, the Skirt gives +8% Morale Resistance, and the Shorts have +4% Dodge.

The Guerrilla clothing are blue-level and provide very strong bonuses. The Guerrilla Hat has +4% Accuracy and +4% Cover Bonus. The Guerrilla Sweater has +1 Firearm Damage and +4 Maximum Morale. And the Guerrilla Trousers give +1 Action Points and +4% Dodge.

I always prioritize Action Points and Firearm Damage so the Guerrilla Sweater and Guerrilla Trousers are very strong. Accuracy is always welcome as well so you may find yourself using the Guerrilla equipment for most (if not all) of the game!

The Guerrilla clothing is generally better than the clothing from the Agent Pack, except that Anna (Leader) may prefer the Agent Jacket's -1 Aimed Fire Cost.


Released on May 1st, 2024, the Agent Pack includes:

New Special Ops Map – “Radar”
Two new Special Ops missions:
• Over Hill Under Hill
• Make Every Kill Count
New Weapon:
• Winchester 1912
New Weapon Variant
• Beretta “Compact”
New Clothing Set
• Female Resistance “Agent”

TLDR: This DLC provides the strongest DLC primary weapon for Support and a slightly better secondary handgun that any character can use. It provides a set of blue-level clothing for French Female characters which is weaker than the set of clothing offered by the Resistance Kit, though Anna (Leader) may prefer the Agent Jacket. The Agent Pack also offers 2 new Special Ops scenarios for those who like unique standalone challenges. The "new map" is only playable via the "Over Hill Under Hill" Special Op and is NOT available in the Mission Creator, which may be disappointing to modders.

Since the "Radar" Map is not usable in the Mission Creator, I do not have an image of it. It can only be seen in the "Over Hill Under Hill" Special Op.

Over Hill Under Hill 1.jpg

Over Hill Under Hill 2.jpg

Make Every Move Count 1.jpg

Make Every Move Count 2.jpg

These are the two Special Ops scenarios.

Although the DLC description refers to the second Special Op as "Make Every Kill Count," the actual name is "Make Every Move Count." This Special Op also seems to have some custom modifications in that the March or Die skill (normally available to Marksmen) is present on both of your characters (the two scouts Vincent and Moussa).


The green-level Winchester deals additional damage, additional morale damage, and has slightly better accuracy than the default 1897 Trench Gun that Support characters start with. It is stronger than the Shadow and Bear options from the Resistance Kit and Talon Pack.


The Beretta is a secondary handgun usable by all classes. Compared to the standard M1911, the Beretta has a higher critical chance, higher effective range, deals more morale damage, slightly higher accuracy, and a lower reload cost.

While it is not as strong as the green-level Walther from the Devils Pack, since all four members of your mission team can equip a secondary weapon, it is still helpful.

Agent Beret.jpg

Agent Jacket.jpg

Agent Skirt.jpg

The Agent Beret provides +8% Morale Resistance, the Agent Jacket gives you -1 Aimed Fire Cost, and the Agent Skirt gives +4 Maximum Morale.

The Agent Jacket is great for Anna (Leader) since she uses an aimed fire weapon. However, the Agent Beret and Agent Skirt are weaker than the Guerrilla clothing available from the Guerrilla Pack. I would much prefer the accuracy bonus and the extra action point.


Released on June 6th, 2024, the Talon Pack includes:

New Map – “Manor”
Two new Special Ops missions:
• Foul Manors
• Hostage Negotiation
New Weapon:
• Mosin-Nagant M1891
New Weapon Variant:
• Trench Gun “Bear”
New Clothing Set
• US Airbourne “Talon” Set

TLDR: This DLC provides the strongest DLC primary weapon for Marksmen. It is also the only DLC that provides a three-piece set of clothing for an American Male character. The other weapon (for Support) is weaker than the options offered by other DLC. The Talon Pack also offers 2 new Special Ops scenarios for those who like unique standalone challenges. The "new map" is only playable via the the "Foul Manors" Special Op and is NOT available in the Mission Creator, which may be disappointing to modders.

Since the "Manor" map is not usable in the Mission Creator, I do not have an image of it. It can only be seen in the "Foul Manors" Special Op.

Foul Manors 1.jpg

Foul Manors 2.jpg

Hostage Negotiation 1.jpg

Hostage Negotiation 2.jpg

These are the two Special Ops scenarios.


The green-level Mosin-Nagant offers higher damage, higher morale damage, higher effective range, and better accuracy than the standard Enfield rifle that Marksmen start with. It is stronger than the Shadow option from the Resistance Kit.

Trench Gun Bear.jpg

The Trench Gun "Bear" ignores 2 points of armor compared to the standard Trench Gun for Support characters. In the early game, you won't encounter too much armor and the green-level Winchester M12 from the Agent Pack is a superior choice.

Talons Helmet.jpg

Talons Jacket.jpg

Talons Pants.jpg

These are currently the only DLC clothing for the two American Male characters - Willard (Leader) and Luke (Marksman).

The three pieces of Talons clothing provide +1 health, +4 Maximum Morale, and +6% Morale Recovery. The extra health and morale will help keep your character from being downed or broken.

The items are actually called "Talons" and not "Talon," so the DLC should really be "Talons Pack" instead of "Talon Pack" (since the next DLC is the "Devils Pack" and not the "Devil Pack").


Released on July 18th, 2024, the Devils Pack includes:

New Map – “Paris Streets”
Two new Special Ops missions:
• Man the Barricades
• Thieves Never Rest
Two New Weapon Variants
• Walther P38 “Special”
• FG42 “Flank”
New Clothing Set
• British Para “Devils” set

TLDR: This DLC provides the strongest DLC primary weapon for Heavies and the strongest DLC secondary handgun. It is also the only DLC that provides a three-piece set of clothing for a British Male character. The Devils Pack also offers 2 new Special Ops scenarios for those who like unique standalone challenges. The "new map" is only playable via the the "Man the Barricades" Special Op and is NOT available in the Mission Creator, which may be disappointing to modders.

Since the "Paris Streets" map is not usable in the Mission Creator, I do not have an image of it. It can only be seen in the "Man the Barricades" Special Op.

Man the Barricades 1.jpg

Man the Barricades 2.jpg

Thieves Never Rest 1.jpg

Thieves Never Rest 2.jpg

These are the two Special Ops scenarios.


The green-level Walther is the strongest secondary handgun available from the DLC's. It deals more base damage but less critical damage. That means you'll deal the same amount of damage on a crit but you will also be dealing more damage on non-crits.

The Walther also has higher morale damage, higher effective range, more ammo, a lower reload cost, and 2 points of armor piercing compared to the base M1911.

The Walther is better than the Beretta "Compact" from the Agent Pack, though the Beretta can still be useful since all 4 members of your mission team can equip secondary handguns.

Bar Flank.jpg

The green-level Bar "Flank" deals more base damage than the base Bren Mk.2 but less critical damage. That means you'll deal the same amount of damage on a crit but you will also be dealing more damage on non-crits.

Furthermore, the Flank has higher morale damage and has guaranteed Disruption (which removes Overwatch, even on a miss), though Heavies already get easy skill access to Disruption. There are some trade-offs though. It has lower accuracy but slightly higher spray accuracy. And it holds less ammo but has a lower reload cost.

Despite some minor drawbacks, I think the Flank is the best starting weapon for Heavies and it is stronger than the Ambush option from the Guerrilla Pack.

Devils Helmet.jpg

Devils Smock.jpg

Devils Trousers.jpg

These are currently the only DLC clothing for the three British Male characters - Tom (Support), Vincent (Scout), and Ollie (Heavy).

The three pieces of Devils clothing provide +1 health, +4 Maximum Morale, and +6% Morale Recovery, which essentially makes them carbon copies of the Talons clothing except for a different nationality. The extra health and morale will help keep your character from being downed or broken.


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