My Cleaning Activity Today Monday 16/12/2024.

in #cleanplanet3 months ago

Hello everyone, how are you all doing today?. The day seem to be bright and beautiful. I hope its also like that at your end as well. Yesterday was a bit stressful for me. As we all know this is a holiday season and almost all the kids are presently on holiday, so i had to take my kids to go visit my parents.

We took off yesterday's afternoon after church on Sunday, and arrived in the evening. It was stressful because i took a public transport and its not really easy with kids . Got really exhausted with the ups and downs of the road.But I'm grateful we arrived safely.Met everyone in good health. The whole Christmas decorations were given and we loved that we came.

However, waking up in a different environment from home, hearing the sounds of the birds and feeling the fresh breeze from nature, makes me feel relaxed and energised. It also gives a cool feeling of home away from home. So i took a walk around the house to the street. As cleaning is part of my daily routine, I decide to do some clean up around granma's compound too.Picked every little garbage i saw on the floor, sweep those that needed to be swept, and made sure my surroundings were kept clean.

While i was on the street, a lot of people passing by kept staring and wondering what i was doing , even some people in the car and bikes were just smiling. But i continued with what i was doing . Its the goal that matters the most. I made sure that both the compund and outside the compound were clean. Even the surroundings were beautifully touched.

This was how my cleaning activities went # ;

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#cleanplanet #solarisfuture #cleaning #cleanyourcity