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RE: Man Made Climate Change Proven A Hoax?

in #climate8 years ago (edited)

If you actually read the paper, the study calls into question the historical data being used from 1880 and 1970 before we had much better technology to measure global atmospheric and surface water temperatures. The study does NOT question how the data post-1970 was treated.

The conclusion of the study was also a lot less sensational than the writeup. They said, basically, yeah the data shows some short term warming from the 70s but we're not really sure if the data before then is really that reliable, which is a fair point but not the smoking gun you need to invalidate an entire corpus of climate change research.

Please research a little deeper before you start tossing out politically-tainted red meat.

Edit: Also a good number of the authors of the paper used to work for various fossil-fuel companies. That's not grounds to disbelieve them but grounds enough to be skeptical.