I am an Environmental Advocate and Founder of Voice For Environment an initiative that aims at building Awareness on Environment and Sustainable Development.
Environmental activism makes me feel happy as a good ambassador of the environment because i create awareness about issues concerning the environment as well as providing solutions to this environmental crisis we are facing. So far this year, I have planted trees and most importantly nutured these trees, I have engaged my self and other young people within my community to do Clean up activity and sensitize the community against indiscriminate disposal of plastic waste. Moreso, I have been able to sensitize especially out of school children to desist from Open Defecation due to the fact that it causes wide range of dangers like health (Cholera & Diarrhea) and Pungent smell which causes irritation, and giving plausible advice on alternatives to Open Defecation. In addition, I have been able to cut down on my carbon footprint by using clean cooking alternative rather than use of fossil fuels.
At this point in time, humans have to be meticulous on how they treat Ecosystem and Land because more than ever we have to build resillience from future climate change impacts.*|column1|column2|column3|