we actually do already know for sure except the original quote was in greek.
there are links for each video. i started watching this over 5 years ago. i've done hundreds and maybe thousands of hours of research besides. i have come to love anything having to do with solar physics, it's fascinating.
the information demonstrating that humans are not the cause of climate change is voluminous. here is a decent place to start: https://www.youtube.com/user/Suspicious0bservers/videos
there are many subjects that branch out from here, including the things that humans are actually doing to destroy our biosphere. if i can be of any help, let me know.
here is the story of my awakening from the CO2 deception: https://steemit.com/freedom/@lifeworship/one-day-i-was-finally-forced-to-wake-up-and-see-all-of-the-reality-i-had-denied
Thank you so much! :)