Awww yeah, @aussieninja, I tend to get around ;) thanks for the shoutout!
@mk3jetta -- this is a really great post. I love the way you describe how you came to love climbing. My story isn't much different. It started with a gift certificate from a buddy to the local bouldering gym -- we laughed and climbing for about 3 hours, and then I needed @caitycat's help to open a granola bar wrapped later because I pretty much blew out my forearms.
I've talked to a lot of people about top-rope solo-ing before, but I've never really investigated how to do it. I'd be keen to read a bit of a crash-course (maybe non-crash course is more appropriate) on the matter, if you feel like doing a writeup on it!
Thanks for sharing, and I'm looking forward to seeing more about your upcoming cross country trip!
Hey dude! Lol the beginner pump is real! Yea, I would definitely do a bit on how to top-rope solo! It's a bit of a controversial topic but has been gaining a lot of backing lately since so many people do it regularly without incident in a few different ways. I'll get on that this coming week, for sure.
I'm stoked to get on the road and put up some more content in the coming months! Thanks for the idea on the next article! :)