Robbing sleep, robbing dignity, rattling cages, blood moon

in #clinical-iatrogenesis6 years ago (edited)

"energy is the ability to do work" is justified by the Work-Energy theorem, i.e. W = △ K E

rattle someone's cage,
Agite una jaula para molestar a los monos, para ver si arrojan caca. Algo así como un vecino de la planta baja que roba sueños, descansa, duerme y se roba la dignidad, como mi vecino de la planta baja con chismes, difamación, difamación como si fuera un ritual nocturno.

what is the cost of robbing dignity as a math equation?

The Moon-Mood Connection
by Berkeley Wellness

Social iatrogenesis refers to the process by which 'medical practice sponsors sickness by reinforcing a morbid society that encourages people to become consumers of curative, preventive, industrial and environmental medicine'.

The Mathematics Behind a Good Night's Sleep

Clinical iatrogenesis is the injury done to patients by ineffective, toxic, and unsafe treatments.

Lunacy and the Full Moon
Does a full moon really trigger strange behavior?

Police records thus are not part of the court system, and documents like arrest reports or crime/incident reports kept at police departments are not presumed to be open to the public as court records are.

Researches find poop-throwing by chimps is a sign of intelligence

Cultural iatrogenesis refers to the destruction of traditional ways of dealing with, and making sense of, death, suffering, and sickness. In this way the medicalization of life leads to cultural harm as society members lose their autonomous coping skills.

How is the word lunatic related to the moon?

The root of this word is luna, which means moon. That's because lunatic originally meant someone who went crazy with every phase of the moon, kind of like a werewolf. Most people these days don't believe in moon-caused insanity, but we still talk about lunatics, sometimes meaning clinically insane people.

Social, moral, ethical and political dimensions of healthcare as Knapp (1990) describe it as “a formula for paralysis” depicts elderly people in old-age homes whom suffer from social iatrogenesis as a result as well some in the disabled community, indeed ushered as a case of bad faith in exercising a license of the state or failures of institutions. Some folks have noisy, inconsiderate neighbors who offer rude awakenings, trash talk and other inconsideration and we all get tired of it. That is why God invented 'Knapp's' to take like in a hot Summer afternoon. Seriously, naps are nice and do wonders for moods. If you ever get real angry, just remember, heart attacks and aneurysm are horrible things to experience either giving or getting and naps are really nice as if an opportunity cost as a manager seminar, remember kids,

Monday, March 11, National Napping Day 2019 in United States of America

Social iatrogenesis refers to the process by which 'medical practice sponsors sickness by reinforcing a morbid society that encourages people to become consumers of curative, preventive, industrial and environmental medicine'.

The ‘Kaala Pursha’ or the ‘Cosmic Man’ is a deep concept of Vedic astrology and can be explained in many ways.

This Mathematical Formula Optimizes Success in Life, Love, and Career

Composing Barycentric Calculus
The effect of lunar cycle on mental illness is not held in Islam.
Lunar and Menstrual Phase Locking

Pyramids of sacrifice: political ethics and social change
Book by Peter L. Berger

For Pete's sake! Don't sacrifice political ethics for social change!

The vesica pisces (piscis) is a symbol made from two circles of the same radius, intersecting in such a way that the center of each circle lies on the circumference of the other. The name literally means the bladder of the fish in Latin. In the Christian tradition, it is a reference to Christ, as in ichthys.

“It is the thunderbolt that steers the universe!” Heraclitus, fifth century B.C.

It was forever expanding outward from a point of primeval Big Bang, controlled and geared by gravity (the weakest celestial force), full of black holes, with anomalous behavior in comets, meteorites and exploding galaxies explained as the work of anti-matter, ‘dark’ matter or, as in nuclear physics, attributed to ‘unknown’ factors such as quarks, charm, CERN‘s conjectural Higgs-Boson particle or the existence of the ‘weak force’, anti-gravity or String Theory’s multiple dimensions.

How does the movement of the moon affect people on earth?

The tides are one of the most important ways that the Moon affects life on Earth. They are the result of the fact that the Moon's gravitational pull does not affect all parts of Earth equally: The lunar gravity exerts a stronger pull on the parts of Earth that are closer to the Moon.

The Friedmann equations are a set of equations in physical cosmology that govern the expansion of space in homogeneous and isotropic models of the universe within the context of general relativity.

Do full moons affect pregnancy?

The moon's influence is called the lunar effect. It is widely believed if a woman is full term around the time the moon is full, its gravitational pull can influence when she will go into labour, Just as the moon's pull affects the waters on earth, it is believed to affect the amniotic fluid in a pregnant woman's womb.

How to Help Reduce Racism

We Need Transparency in Algorithms, But Too Much Can Backfire

Rob the sleep of your neighbors and rob their dignity as you would have them rob your dignity and sleep.

Shhhh, the baby is sleeping!

The kancho and corporal punishment correlation lesson

And the one carried in the current said, "I am no more messiah than you. The river delights to lift us free, if only we dare let go. Our true work is this voyage, this adventure." - Richard Bach, Illusions : The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah (1977).

Covalent networking the six flavors of quarks in the spirit of the French flag of Texas as a commodity fetish

so kids,

what is the cost of robbing dignity as a math equation?

That is if one was defamed due to bad faith and negligence of another licensed by the state, what is the cost of robbing dignity as a math equation as an aggregate for society for class action sake?

Your guide to solving the next online viral maths problem

To Your Health
Researchers: Medical errors now third leading cause of death in United States

What is the social class theory?
A social class is a set of subjectively defined concepts in the social sciences and political theory centered on models of social stratification in which people are grouped into a set of hierarchical social categories, the most common being the upper, middle and lower classes.

Facebook officially loses $123 billion in value

The United States has roughly six social classes:

Upper class.
New money.
Middle class.
Working class.
Working poor.
Poverty level.

Puerto Rico’s $123 Billion Bankruptcy Is the Cost of U.S. Colonialism

Pharmaceutical companies sponsor diseases and promote them to prescribers and consumers. Social iatrogenesis refers to the process by which 'medical practice sponsors sickness by reinforcing a morbid society that encourages people to become consumers of curative, preventive, industrial and environmental medicine':

What is the structural functional theory?

Structural functionalism, or, simply, functionalism, is a framework for building theory that sees society as a complex system whose parts work together to promote solidarity and stability. Two theorists, Herbert Spencer and Robert Merton, were major contributors to this perspective.

Who are Kingsley Davis and Wilbert Moore?

The Davis–Moore hypothesis, sometimes referred to as the Davis–Moore theory, is a central claim within the structural functionalist paradigm of sociological theory, and was advanced by Kingsley Davis and Wilbert E. Moore in a paper published in 1945. The hypothesis is an attempt to explain social stratification.

The Structural-Functional Theory of Social Stratification

Social inequality refers to any scenario in which individuals in a society do not have equal social status. Areas of potential inequality include voting rights, freedom of speech and assembly, the extent of property rights and access to education, health care, quality housing and other social goods. Social inequality is an important characteristic of Structural Functionalism as the theory assumes, since inequality exists, there needs to be a certain level of inequality in order for a society to operate. One possible function of inequality is to motivate people,as people are motivated to carry out work through a rewards system. Rewards may include income, status, prestige, or power.


What are the 3 means of production?

A mode of production includes the means of production used by a given society, such as factories and other facilities, machines, and raw materials. It also includes labor and the organization of the labor force.

Karl Marx contrasts the social relations of production with the technical relations of production; in the former case, it is people (subjects) who are related, in the latter case, the relation is between people and objects in the physical world they inhabit (those objects are, in the context of production).

Materialistic determinism sounds like a complicated idea, but it is a simple concept, although it has a very strong influence on our modern philosophy and social sciences. All it means is that the moral, cultural, intellectual, vocational choices of man are determined by material factors.

Why Russian Spies Really Like American Universities

My pappy received a University Bachelors degree in Sociology but he never used it, he worked for Computer Science Corporation and NASA instead. He suggests lot's of people do not apply their college or university degree. Well some people do not apply their heart and others do not apply their mind and perhaps their is an equation to express how healthy, emotional agility expressed in the division of labor with, W = △ K E as a Hausdorff space

What are the dimensions that determine social class?

Weber considered Marx approach to social classes too simplistic. He viewed social stratification as a more complex interplay of three dimensions: (a) Economic Inequality, (b) Status Measures of social prestige and (c) Power.

Social Inequality describes a condition in which members of society have different amounts of wealth, prestige, or power. All societies are characterized by some degree of social inequality. Stratification: refers to a system by which a society ranks categories of people in a hierarchy.

Top 3 Approaches towards Stratification
(i) Capitalists or owners of the means of production receiving profit;

(ii) Workers or all those who are employed by others and receive wages;

(iii) Landowners who receive rent. Marx considered landowners different from capitalists and as survivors of feudalism.

  1. Marxian Approach to Stratification 2. Weberian Approach to Stratification 3. Functionalist Approach to Stratification as a Sociology Discussion.

Boy, you mess with 'em cantor-lebesgue functions all bifurcating legal theory, you best be mindful of descending the Devil's staircase with Stagg 'o Lee, all diss or tatin with angular momentum with em' professors at fancy learning school.

Serenity Sells proposes a redemption race for an inequality derivative divergence applying:

Strategies for Reducing Racial and Ethnic Prejudice: Essential Principles


Racial Equality Strategy

through inter state of the union

interstate teaming agreement

for the United States of America to have healthy competition in Commodity Pool Operations to optimize

Teaming Agreements

in Agricultural as well Energy sector with 'healthy competition' in interstate U.S. charters.

Newton's Brute Force Method commodity derivatives in a Kepler superstructure

Redemption as an inequality derivative divergence to address the least among us discovering equality in a mission 501 c (4) welfare charter to supplement WIOA as the Texas Able program and statecraft advocacy that may liberate other states of the union through interstate trial teaming agreements to discover optimization.

What is the WIOA?

WIOA is landmark legislation that is designed to strengthen and improve our nation's public workforce system and help get Americans, including youth and those with significant barriers to employment, into high-quality jobs and careers and help employers hire and retain skilled workers.

Commodity Pool Operators and Commodity Trading Advisors: Compliance Obligations

Commodity markets can include physical trading and derivatives trading using spot prices, forwards, futures, and options on futures.

Is Labor a Commodity?

'Commodity Pool Operator - CPO' Persons or limited partnerships responsible for investing a commodity pool's assets in commodity-futures and options positions. Commodity pool operators solicit funds for trading in securities such as futures contracts, or off exchange foreign exchange contracts.

Labor as both a commodity and a Common Pool Resource

Manufacturers in agricultural as well the energy sector may source goods from such a Commodity Pool Operation making use of the interstate teaming agreement for all parties, achieving equity for multiple classes of society, offering upward social mobility.

Title 17 CFR 4.7 - Exemption from certain part 4 requirements for commodity pool operators with respect to offerings to qualified eligible persons and for commodity trading advisors with respect to advising qualified eligible persons.
