in #clinton8 years ago

The only reason North Korea has nuclear weapons is because we built them a Nuclear weapons plant in 1994.

This is all part of a plan, long in the making. Many of you smell a rat, but your assessment is wrong on what to do. Let me convey what the Internet says we should do to avoid the trap that has been set for us - first some background.

North Korea has abundant coal, so much that their coal export to China constitutes 1/3rd of their non military foreign trade. In all of Africa there are only 2 nuclear power plants, but we built a nuclear power plant for North Korea, the Hermit Kingdom, a country who we are technically at war with. Why would we do that?

Why would we build a coal rich country, lead by a family of tyrants who we are technically at war with, a nuclear power plant, while building absolutely nothing for the people of Sub Saharan Africa, a people who we have robbed blind, literally robbed into starvation, for 500 years? We kill African children every single day with our greed, but build nuclear power for those we are at war with? Really? Do you think we are a kind and generous nation - Or do you smell a rat?

There are half a dozen types of nuclear power plants that can be built that do not produce weapons grade material, but we built the Koreans one of the few reactor types that produces material that is suitable for nuclear weapons. Why?

The type of power plant we built for the North Koreans actually CANNOT produce consumer electricity (see attached image), so we didn't just build the North Koreans a nuclear plant that CAN be used for nuclear weapons, we built them a nuclear plant that can ONLY be used for nuclear weapons. In fact we built them the best type of plant to make weapons, a plant which produces not uranium, but weapons grade plutonium, the same material we use in our nukes. Why?

Look at the image below of North Korea, 2 American nuclear power plants and no electricity. Why?

North Korea is harmless right now, they can barely launch a missile, much less attack us, mainly because good guys at the CIA are now (under Trump) empowered to fight back, so we have the Koreans all hacked up. That will not always be the case.

Many of you are arguing as if you think we should wait until Kim Jong-il figures out what is wrong with his missiles - but if you think critically, you will realize that once again Donald Trump is right in his aggression. The Hermit Kingdom needs to be set free, and it's leader murdered, before they attack us with the nuclear technology we built for them. They are very close. Should we wait until the tyrant leader of the hermit kingdom is armed with nuclear ICBMs?

Donald Trump may well destroy the North Korean's nuclear plants in a first strike attack. He may well kill Kim Jong-il and set free the most repressed people on the planet - letting the freed Korean people decide if they want to join the South or China. If he does this - we will be safer, if China does it, better still - either way, the time for talk is over, Kim Jong-il, unlike Iraq, Libya and Syria, is dangerous to us and our allies - KJI has to go.

As a wise man once said, "the best time to plant an oak tree is 25 years ago, the second best time is today."

We don't get to be dead wrong on an issue for 20 years, then be passive when the issue comes to a head, the time for passive resolution was in 1994 when we could have built them a plant that did not make weapons grade plutonium.

Ignorance begets problems - and we have been very ignorant, so we have lots of problems.

The Truth is, 9/11 was an inside job (On YouTube Watch Loose Change, Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth, Pilots for 9/11 Truth or Google "Physics of 9/11". All of these are great quick start primers into 9/11 Truth) to get us into a never ending war - a "generation of war" that is not even close to being over. In fact, the war mongers envision a never ending war which concludes only in nuclear holocaust. Google "Denver International Airport underground bunker complex" and "Denver International Airport art murals" - the Mountains of Denver, high enough to withstand biological weapons attacks and with bunkers deep enough to survive nuclear attacks, is where the elite of the deep state will ride out the war.

We have stirred war from Libya, through Iran, Iraq and Syria, into the former Soviet States, through the South China Sea and onto the Korean Peninsula - where we gave the craziest guy in the lot a rogue nuke.

This was all part of a treasonous neo-conservative, deep state, plan for global conflagration - also known as World War III.

The She Beast was going to pull the trigger. It was all set up for her since George Bush Sr started the ball rolling in the early 90's - the Clinton's as the most powerful and most corrupt couple in World history, Her as President of the United States, Him as Secretary General of the United Nations, Them overseeing the War to End All Wars - leaving nobody but the occultists to rule the remnants of humanity as slaves.

Fortunately for us all, the Tea Party Patriots morphed into the Freedom Movement, who, with the help of conservative media and the Truth Movement (the revolution will not be televised), elected Donald John Trump - a genius man who is so aware of the problems we face that a huge part of his vast fortune is held in Solid Gold. Trump's entire empire is built to withstand a global currency collapse. His airplane is filled with solid gold, the top floors of his buildings are filled with solid gold adornment, and his vaults are filled with solid gold bullion and bars. The Man owns billions upon billions of dollars in solid gold. Ya'll say he is orange, no, his makeup color is gold, his hair is gold, it is all a subliminal message - the man is a genius who would have been one of the richest individual men on Earth has Hillary won and collapsed our nations currency - he could have bought Manhattan with that much gold.

Trump would be filthy rich if the dollar collapses. Perhaps we have been conned, but so far everything he is doing is right on point - getting us out of the Trans Pacific Partnership (aka NAFTA 2.0) has certainly forestalled the collapse of the dollar - ending our endless wars would do even more. Keeping ISIS out of America, and untying the military's hands, as we have tied them in every war since Vietnam, and authorizing the best fighting force the world has ever known to destroy ISIS (see MOAB) is a great start.

Read this State Department email, taken from Hillary's mailbox in Wikileaks, that says our partner in Syria is Al Qaeda. Wikileaks has released millions of documents, and never one single page has been false - Wikileaks is the most credible news outlet in the World. How does this email, from She Beast's own State Department, taken from She Beast's own mailbox, stating that we are Partners with Al Qaeda in Syria, possibly square with your world view?

The Deep State War Mongers, the unelected officials deep within our elected government, are trying to start World War III - that is why we built the North Koreans a nuclear plant that can only make nuclear weapons. That is why we partner with Al Qaeda and ISIS in wars meant to destabilize entire regions. That is why we are War Mongering Russia. It is all part of our War Mongering plans for a global conflagration intended to constrict the global population into a deeply surveilled, impoverished, population restricted and easily controlled, permanent under class - ruled once again by those who have sought to dominate humanity for more than a thousand years. We would be ruled once again, as has been the case for more than 1000 years, by the most evil people on earth, whose widely available "most holy" book is the foundation of the global occult.

Everything I have said on 9/11 over the years is 101, this is 102, the father religion of the occult is 400, we aren't there yet.

If you would like to learn about Syria, read these 5 pages:

This is from the highly respected MIT Professor Emeritus in Science, and former DoD consultant on chemical weapons and missile systems, Dr. Theodore Postol - one of the most qualified assessors of this topic on Earth. Check his resume, then read to see why he says :

“We again have a situation where the White House has issued an obviously false, misleading and amateurish intelligence report,”

This is the same man who kept us from invading Syria in 2013 by proving Obama was lying about that false flag chemical weapons attack, carried out by the ISIS affiliated rebels who want to keep America mired in conflict in their barren desert sands. The NYT called Obama's false report a "revision", no, it was a flat out, war mongering lie by Hussein Obama - and this professor lead the charge in disproving Obama's lie. Now the CIA, and their co conspirators in the press, lie again in an effort to war monger us into more never ending war.

Trump is seeking to dismantle the apparatus' of ISIS and North Korea that were put in place by the War Mongers who have run our government since the day Kennedy was killed with a "Magic Bullet". North Korea and ISIS are two of the primary military tools the Deep State intends to use to bring about the next global war.

In Syria, the missile attacks were all a show, because so many of you have fallen for the Russian narrative. Trump warned Russia of the impending attacks, and because of those warnings the 4 Russian deaths only occurred because a bunker collapsed during fire fighting. Trump used this attack to break the fake news Russian narrative, a narrative that the press and democrats have known is false because it is widely known that Seth Rich leaked the DNC archive to Guccifer and was assassinated by the Clinton's (Google: Clinton body count) for doing it.

The entire Russian narrative has been a propagandist lie. They hate Trump, who dismantled TPP, has unleashed the military to fight ISIS and is about to topple KJI. These are UUUUGE (Trump voice) wins for American Freedom and Long Term Peace These wins are being heavily propagandized by those who want us into a ground war in Syria and leaving North Korea alone. I don't think not one soldier will fire bullet in either case - both ISIS / AQ in Syria and Kim Jong-il and the nuclear plants in North Korea can be done by air. If Trump sets a single soldier on the ground in either case - I'll admit I have been duped. The traitors want us at war on the ground in Syria, and they want North Korea left alone, let's see if the opposite doesn't happen.

Post Script :

I feel like many of you are well intentioned, but do not know how to find the truth on an issue in a propaganda rich environment. The secret is to listen to what is said by the propagandists, then figure out who would have another opinion and find what they say on the topic. Then you decide who to trust based on the facts presented.

The Truth will always stand no matter what thread you pull on, a lie will fall apart easily and can only be maintained by secrecy, propaganda, censorship and the indoctrination of our youth. Where you find the propagandists, or censorship, dig deep - as the old DC saying goes "Nothing is true until somebody denies it".

The truth will force the denial - the alternative media will force the propagandists to show their hand - that is when you investigate, especially on the topics that the information gatekeepers (MSM, Google, Facebook, Twitter ) censor. Topics such as child paedophelia being the control grid for the entire Deep State - the gate keepers censor the mess out of that topic because it strikes at the heart of their evil network. I was talking with an +80 year old German Jewish woman for hours at our family dinner table after the meal this Resurrection Sunday, and she agreed, child rape is a common thread of the most evil of the elite.

This takes time for me to do, and I do not enjoy it one bit. Many refuse to see the evil that is done in all our name, signed with our silence.

We are the citizens and the volunteer army of the most powerful nation in history - a nation which has warred the world for a century as we all look away. I do not like or enjoy doing this. It is done for the next generation - for my sons. It is the best I can do, to fight with my mind, and I do it here, and everywhere I go. They want to feed our children to WWIII. Hillary was it, we missed that bullet by the skin of our teeth. Please do wake up, support our President until he lets us down - the occultists won't miss again.


wikileaks WikiLeaks tweeted @ 08 Apr 2017 - 12:52 UTC Messages from U.S. alleged Russian spy @GUCCIFER_2 to actress-model @robbin_young (according to the latter)

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

wow this is very interesting, so guccifer2 chatted up @robbinyoung cool

seriously, a war to free the people of north korea would be a HUMANITARIAN would be one of the few humanitarian wars we could all get behind as a planet!

The man drinks Hennessy like water eats like like a fat pig, but tells his people to eat grass :

In all of North Korea there is one block of 1024 public IP addresses - there are single apartment buildings in America with more internet access that he allows his entire country to have. Restricting a people's access to humanities knowledge base is the mark of a tyrant - a people with affordable access to the Internet cannot be enslaved.

We shouldn't even kill him - we should send him to the Hague and let him rot out his days with the special stipulations that he cannot watch any global news, he only gets a daily copy of the North Korean Newspaper so he can watch his people pass him by while he is isolated from the rest of the world - just like he did to them.

Pyongyang was founded in 1122 BC the "grandson of heaven" and "son of a bear", and to have founded the kingdom in 2333 BC.

his grandfather Hwanin (환인/桓因), the "Lord of Heaven". Hwanin had a son, Hwanung (환웅/桓雄), who yearned to live on the earth among the valleys and the mountains. Hwanin permitted Hwanung and 3,000 followers to descend onto Baekdu Mountain, where Hwanung founded the Sinsi (신시/神市, "City of God"). Along with his ministers of clouds, rain and wind, he instituted laws and moral codes and taught humans various arts, medicine, and agriculture.[2] Legend attributes the development of acupuncture and moxibustion to Dangun.[3]

In 668, Pyongyang became the capital of the Protectorate General to Pacify the East established by the Tang dynasty of China. However, by 676, it was taken by Silla.

Great story and link.

It's interesting that the legend saying a lineage of god once ruled as king in Korea dates so far back in Korean history. Are you implying that the people of North Korea were ripe for a god as king?

I really found the links to sun worship interesting. Kim Il-Sung means "Kim Become the Sun" - according to Wikipedia he took that name a decade before becoming the leader of North Korea. His main claim to deity seems to be that he "discovered" the burial site of Dangun - a site which was eventually marked with another famous symbol of sun worship - the pyramid. His Holiday is called the "Day of the Sun" and he is even worshipped as the creator according to some links.

Very interesting how such things can come together into what appears to be a cult with the god of the cult once again atop the throne of that land - and in control of the most tyrannical society on earth.

I guess the Japanese do the same thing though - very odd, and great food for thought. Thanks for sharing!