Random Questions for Anyone

in #clinton7 years ago

1.) If Rape Culture is a thing, and Cultural Appropriation is a thing, can you culturally appropriate rape culture? (1a) Would a rapist be offended if a non-rapist culturally appropriated rape culture? (1b) Are consensual BDSM sexual practices cultural appropriation of rape culture?

2.) If gender is a spectrum rather than a binary, why can't a relatively nebbish and effeminate male who wishes to be more masculine be diagnosed Gender Dysphoria and prescribed testosterone?

3.) As a non-white person, why should I be concerned that white people want to "secure the existence of [their] people and a future for white children"? Aside from their annoying tendency to soften "r" sounds into "w" sounds ("Sowwy!"), white children don't bother me.

4.) If Trump is a "Putin Puppet", what has Putin gotten for his troubles? (4a) How is Putin's position improved over the Obama era?

Trump is threatening the Iran deal, his Secretary of State has called for regime change in Syria, sanctions against Russia are stronger than they were under Obama, the US still doesn't recognize Crimea as Russian territory or the independence of Donetsk, and Trump has maintained our troop levels in Poland.

5.) What SPECIFIC goal does Putin have that's at odds with the interests of the average American? (5a) What evidence is there that he has this goal and what makes this goal contrary to the average American's interests?

6.) Why are "populist candidates" a novelty? (6a) In a legitimate democracy, shouldn't every candidate be a populist?

7.) If the DNC didn't do anything wrong or unfair to the Bernie campaign, then why/how is it that Clinton's loss can be blamed on so-called "Russian Wikileaks"? (7a) What harm could Wikileaks' revelation of the DNC and Podesta e-mails do if there was nothing corrupt and unsavory to reveal?