The Clinton Crime Saga: Haiti Edition

in #clintons5 years ago


Join me in jumping down this rabbit hole of exposing the Clinton's heinous crimes of human trafficking, corruption, pedo-criminality, and suspicious deaths in Haiti.

In 2010, a woman named Laura Silsby was caught trafficking 33 undocumented children out of Haiti. Bill Clinton intervened and got her sentence reduced to a mere 6 months even though the Haitian government wanted to charge her with child trafficking. Silsby then changed her name to Laura Gayler and now works as the VP of marketing for Alert Sense, a company that issues AMBER ALERTS.

It was later reported that many of the 33 kids Silsby had taken were not orphans and had families.

Laura Silsby was the founder of The New Life Children’s Refuge (NLCR). This NGO’s goal was to rescue children orphaned by natural disasters, like the Haiti earthquake, and provide them with a better life. So it's important to note that at the time of arrest Silsby was arrested with 9 other missionaries working for the NLCR.

Silsby’s lawyer, Jorge Puello, was later arrested due to his involvement in an international human trafficking ring involving women & children in El Salvador. He was sentenced to only 3 YEARS in federal prison. His wife was also arrested on charges of “sexual exploitation of women & minors."

This incident was not the first time Silsby tried to traffic children out of Haiti. An earlier, separate attempt showed she tried to take 40 minors out of the country, but was stopped at the Haitian border.

Just at a quick glance, Silsby's NGO doesn't seem as benevolent as it should be, so why is Bill Clinton doing her special favors? And don't forget, Hillary was the Secretary of State at this time.

Surprise surprise - Hillary Clinton’s leaked emails show emails dating back to 2001 discussing Laura Silsby.

Huma Abedin, Hillary’s right hand woman & wife of former New York Senator Anthony Weiner, who was convicted of sexting minors (imagine what else he did), was constantly forwarding Hillary info on the NLCR. Here is an email from Abedin detailing Silsby's arrest:


When Silsby and the 9 other missionaries were trying to leave Haiti with the 33 kids, they claimed they were rescuing the orphans and taking them to an orphanage in the Dominican Republic.

However, it was later revealed the Dominican Republic never authorized the NLCR to set up an orphanage in their country.

Hillary’s leaked emails show the US State Department receiving an email from the NLCR detailing the costs & methods for transporting children from Haiti & the DR.

And remember this orphanage was NEVER going to exist, so where were the kids really going?

After Silsby & Co. were arrested, The Harvard Humans Rights Journal stated one of Bill Clinton’s first acts as special envoy for the US in Haiti was to deal with this child abduction scandal.

Bill managed to negotiate the release of all the missionaries except Silsby. 

After the missionaries were free of child trafficking & abduction charges, leaked email shows Hillary & her lawyer Cheryl Mills worked to coverup & produce a controlled version of the story for the mainstream media

The Clinton crime saga in Haiti continued after this.

Haiti was in desperate need of aid after the 2010 earthquake.

Keep in mind, Hillary was the US Secretary of State & Bill was now the special envoy for the UN in Haiti

They controlled the flow of funds to Haiti from around the world

Here is what the Haitian people needed: basic shelter and medical provisions, and thousands of tons of rubble to be cleared.

Here is what Clinton-led relief focused on: long-term development & foreign investment. Public/private partnerships with an emphasis on the garment industry.

So what does ignoring the basic needs of Haitians & having a "business-centered" policy look like?

The first Clinton magic act was the help suppress the newly passed minimum wage, which raised minimum wage from 24 cents/hour to 61 cents/hour, at the behest of Haitian garment manufacturers like Hanes & Levi Strauss.

Haiti's labor costs were competitive with China aka Hillary was helping perpetuate sweatshops in an effort to "prioritize a favorable business climate."

Guess what? This all happened BEFORE the earthquake struck. Meaning they had every intention if leeching this country dry

Here comes Bill's big entrance as he was put in charge of the US-led recovery efforts

Per request of Obama, the Clinton-Bush (George W.) Haiti fund was born. They began aggressively fundraising worldwide.

Here is an overview of the fund's goals:

Would these billions of dollars raised go to the Haitian people? HELL no

It would be going straight to the pockets of the Clinton's cronies.

The Haitians got wise and realized the companies that received contracts in Haiti happened to be entities that made large donations to the Clinton Foundation.

For example, the Clinton foundation announced they were funding temporary shelter. The contract went to Clayton Homes, a company owned by Warren Buffet, a generous Clinton donor.

Okay so at least the Haitian's were getting safe, temporary shelter right? Wrong. These "hurricane-proof" trailers showed high levels of carcinogenic formaldehyde, mold and 100 degrees temps. In other words, they were completely unlivable.

More controversially, Haiti has large gold mining deposits. Hillary's brother, Tony Rodham, suddenly found himself on the board of VCS mining.

He secured the first of two gold mining permits the Haitian government had issued in more than 50 years and was paid in stock options.

Speaking of family, the widely popular claim the Clinton's used Haiti money to pay for Chelsea Clinton's wedding could be true. You decide:

Doug Band, a long-time Clinton aide who helped create the Clinton Foundation & the Clinton Global Initiative, said this in a leaked email:


This is where it all gets juicy. Remember the odd emphasis on the garment industry? Post-quake the US immediately passed a law known as HELP, which gave preferential tariffs for Haitian-produced garments.

This began the biggest development project for Haiti, the Caracol Industrial Park

The Caracol Industrial Park was 600-acre garment factory to be built using HELP funds all to lure in South Korean clothes manufacturer, Sae-A Trading Co.

To get the land necessary for the project, 100s of poor families were evicted from their farms.

Sae-A officials then credited the Clintons for the deal.

Expectations for this project: 100k jobs created and 25k homes built for Haitian employees

Reality: 5k jobs created and 6k homes built. Those farmers and their families were still without jobs.


The same day the park opened, Sae-A chairman, Woong-Ki Kim, broke ground on multiple schools Sae-A planned at Caracol.

The project was a colossal failure, as the Haitians saw no benefit, but that is not what we need to focus on now.

There is a much bigger picture to look at as to the motivations behind the Clintons bringing Sae-A to Haiti.

To begin, we must look at the connection between Sae-A Trading Co & Hillary Clinton.

Cheryl Mills (Hillary's formerly mentioned lawyer that helped cover-up the Silsby Scandal) was at the forefront of bringing Sae-A to Haiti.

Mills helped Sae-A secure millions of dollars in incentives for coming to Haiti.

Post securing this lucrative deal, Sae-A donated $50,000-$100,000 to the Clinton Foundation.


Sae-A Chairman Woong-Ki Kim later invested in a start up company, BlackIvy Group, owned by Cheryl Mills.

Clinton Global Initiative also found itself directly supporting Sae-A's school developments that I mentioned earlier.

Now we go into the dark past of Sae-A Trading Co.

Along with claims of wage slavery, awful working conditions, & sexual harassment, the countries Sae-A begin business in are also afflicted by human trafficking

These countries include Vietnam, Guatemala, Nicaragua, & Cambodia


Is all of this just an unhappy coincidence?

Lets shift focus to Cambodia. Days after Caracol was built, Hillary became the first SOS to visit Cambodia since 2003

Since she got the US State Department involved in Cambodia, trafficking has remained an issue and may have gotten WORSE.

40% of all trafficking victims rescued here are minors, but I'm sure those child centered projects don't contribute to the issue.

The issues and coincidences with Sae-A, the Clintons, & Haiti seem to be piling up and after being presented all this you might be wondering whats at the end? And what happens to anyone that comes close to the truth?

Only tragedy.

This is where I tell the story of Monica Petersen.

Monica Petersen is nothing short of a martyr. She dedicated her life to fight human trafficking as she gave presentations on the topic around the US.

In August 2015, Petersen announced was going to go to Haiti to investigate trafficking there.

Here are some credentials:

By January 2016, she was convinced the Clintons were involved in the operation. She expressed her concern to her friend Bella via Facebook (depicted below)

She even highlights the dangers associated with the mining industry.

Who got that contract for the gold mines again? Oh yeah, Hillary's brother.


The center of Petersen's Clinton connection theories to trafficking rested within the Caracol Industrial Park.

As we now know, many of her suspicions have proven to be true

Unquestionably, her deductions were starting to be corroborated. This is when her story meets a tragic end

Monica Petersen died by an apparent hanging on November 13, 2016.

But would someone following their life's work, on the cusp of a major breakthrough, just go and kill themselves? Or is this just the consequence of investigating high profile people in connection to a human trafficking ring?

The Clinton body count does not stop there.

In July 2017, Klaus Eberwein, a former Haitian government official, was set to testify against and expose the Clinton Foundation's corruption and malpractice in Haiti.

He told friends he felt that his life was in danger.

A week before he was set to testify, Eberwein was found dead in Miami, in his motel room, with a gunshot to the head.

His death was ruled a suicide by the government.

Another crazy coincidence and untimely death huh? These people will stop at NOTHING to protect themselves.

Are the elite of our society complicit in these crimes around the world?

If so, why does the mainstream media continue to protect them (think Epstein & Weinstein)?

Why did Monica Peterson and Klaus Eberwein have such untimely deaths in relation to exposing the Clinton's crimes?

One thing is abundantly clear: the Clinton’s did everything in their power to fill their pockets and leave Haiti in ruins.

As for the human trafficking related crimes: take the info in this article, connect the dots, do your own research and decide for yourselves.

Thanks for reading!

Peace, Love, Anarchy,


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