Why do you hate us? - Porque nos odias? ( EN / ES )

in #clip10 months ago

The other day on a walk, we were surprised by a storm.
In a few seconds it changed from a sunny day to heavy rain, it even hailed a little.

And of course I had to shout at the sky :)

The thing is, you have to have fun. You have to shout, cry, laugh and at times be quiet. It's all part of life.

Sometimes the sun shines on you, other days it rains on you.

Whatever I went through, it's up to you to decide how to deal with it.

El otro día de paseo, nos sorprendió una tormenta.
En pocos segundos cambio de un día soleado a empezar a llover muy fuerte, hasta ha granizado un poco.

Y claro tuve que gritarle al cielo :)

La cosa es, que hay que pasarlo bien. Hay que gritar, llorar, reír y en momentos estar callado. Todo forma parte de la vida.

A veces te da el sol, otros días te llueve encima.

Pasé lo que pasé, eres tu quien decides como llevarlo.

Thank you :)

I am everyday life on twitch, click below on the link and come say hi, and that your frome hive :)


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