Why do we wear clothes?

in #clothe7 years ago

As a chronic introvert, I wear clothes to communicate to the world how I want to be treated:

noticed (body-hugging flower-patterned dress, heels)
feared (black shirt, dark charcoal suit, black heels)
ignored (sweat pants, T-shirt, hoodie, baseball cap)
desired (black dress with open back, heels)
accepted (light blue T-shirt, blue jeans, athletic shoes)
trusted (navy dress, tan kitten heels)
respected (charcoal suit, simple silk shirt, classic pumps)
liked (sundress, flipflops)
admired (heavily-embroidered dress, expensive accessories)
remembered (bright yellow silk dress, lavender heels)
My default mode: “accepted.”

When I’m cold (which is 75% of the time), I just wear anything that I found around me: blankets, bath towels, baby clothes, a pillow.

source : https://www.quora.com