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RE: Amazing clothes for free!

in #clothes7 years ago

When we lived on Nantucket, everyone got together and built a shed out in the dump parking lot (our dump was clean), and we made the shed into a 'free store', take it or leave it kindof place. We all called it the Madaket Mall.

It is an awesome place...there are walls filled with books, tables and shelves of dishes, clothes and pretty much anything you might need.


Yes! May Madaket Markets exist everywhere. I have never heard of Nantucket until now. Was it very populated? City living or suburbs? Thank you for sharing.

It's a little 17 mile long island about 30 miles off the coast of Cape Cod Ma. Big tourist spot, so around 8000 year round population, and 60,000 in the summer...but it is a small town in the end.

Visualizing their grind holding up through this storm! And all of the east coast for that matter.