I wanted to post about this because I find independent a sick brand and I know there is a lot off hype around supreme so that will hopefully mean more upvotes. Anyways I am going to show you pictures of the Items and in short my opinion on them.
The nylon half-zip anorak
I personally like this item a lot. It comes in green, black and blue but I would only wear the black and green ones. I don't really like the blue collor but that is just personal preference. I just find that it isn't really my collorThe Sherpa Fleece Collar Bomber Jacket
This peace also has the independent cross on the back. I couldn't find a photo of that but I personally don't like this item. Thes kinds of jackets aren't my style and especially not the brown one because I don't like the collor. Nice graphics tho but I wouldn't buy it myself.
- Flannels
I also don't like this peace. The collors are dope but I don't fuck with the patch on the back. I am also not really a guy for flannels but anyways, it also isn't something I would wear. This flannels are a little bit thicker than normal flannels so it would be a good cop for the winter but it will also raise the price.
- the crewnecks and sweatpants
These peaces I acually like eventhough if I would have designed it I would've done a horizontal graphic on the crewneck instead of a vertical but I can see why they didn't do that because otherwise it wouldn't match the sweatpants as good.
The sweatpants are dope and they look super comfy but I would only wear them at home so for me personally it isn't worth the money.
I saw on Jacob Starrs video that there was also a t-shirt but I couldn't immediatly find a picture online. It is basically the same as the crewneck but in t-shirt format but in more collorways. You can also find the T-shirt in grey and red if i'm correct.
Here is his video:
- the longsleeves
This is just a simple and clean longsleeve it has also a little supreme graphic on the back right under the neck. I like it and as I said it is clean but it isn't very special in my opinion.
It is available in the same collors as the T-shirts.
- the hat
Last one is the hat. This deninently isn't my thing because I don't bear hats and I also don't like how they placed the graphic. It would've been better in my opinion if they had made this graphic way smaller and had putten it on the front of the hat or maybe the supreme in old brittain but with the independent cross behind it.
Those were all the items. My favourite one is the anorak and this would be the only thing I would buy. The store is obviously already sold out but you can still find the peaces on resale as always.
Let me know what you guys thought of the collab in the comments. I would like to know your opinion and engage with you guys.
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Like your posts bro
thanks dude
great post and superb information.
Thanks mann
Pretty informative, nice post.