Great job! I've carefully traced your calculations and could compare with my simple ROI results (investment 120 USD for 1 year):
invest fee earn ratio revenue maint. profit \
BTC-HF 120 0.35 1.22777 0.731473 448.135 127.75 200.385
ROI, mo percent
BTC-HF 4.56667 166.988
So, the most profitable now is BTC mining on HF with ROI about 4.6 months. In mid. July the situation was most profitable for LTC (pls see my post), but now LTC ROI decreased. New BTC price spike ($4300) dramatically change mining landscape.
I ponder to add mining difficulty and price estimation to my calc, but you have done it well. Followed!
I just updated the chart with all the most recent prices! Will write a new post soon.
I've just made a new report as well.