In the recent Chaos Legion Pack Presale, I was able to get atleast 280 Pack with just 400 USDT as my initial investment.
It started by just buying 100 CLP with +10 Bonus Pack using my vouchers and eventually grew up to 280 packs.
How did I do it? I just simply open the pack and try to sell summoners (both gold and regular), Epic (gold only), For Legendary, I sell my Gold Foil and for Regular, I sell only those cards that I already have. Then after selling it, I'm buying CLP again to open more packs and established a team using only regular cards.
Why did I come up with this strategy? I come with this strategy because I'm only playing at bronze league and is still maximizing the opportunity that I have.
Why did you do it? I did it only for the purpose of getting a higher chance during airdrops. 280 CLP is around 80% chance of getting an airdrop, which will be very useful in my bronze league.
This is only my strategy, not a recommendation.
Just sharing.
Enjoy opening packs! God bless you all splinterlandians (Make up names only for people who are playing splinterlands)!