試玩Sliver.tv賺取Theta tokens

in #cn-cryptocurrency7 years ago


之前介紹過Theta token這幣種,最近就試了玩玩它的網站Sliver.tv。上面有很多著名遊戲的實況直播,透過問答遊戲和觀看直播就能贏到一些小禮物、禮品卡和Theta tokens ,我也贏了十多個幣,現在每個約價值$0.13美元,可惜Theta tokens暫時不能從平台提取出來呢。


Hi my friend @htliao, always glad to see you active here. You are doing great for Cn community.

its my most favorite game i a lot enjoyed this game

Greetings dear @htliao, you have knowledge about presearch and its currency Pre which also gives tokens, do you know something about that project?

Oh That sounds great! Earn extra money for fun is not bad also are coins that you can save until possibly its value rise again thanks for the information :D